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Admission et protection des investissements étrangers à l’ère des sanctions européennes contre la Russie visant à protéger l’intégrité territoriale de l’Ukraine


Abstract: The intensification of restrictive measures adopted by the European Union and its member states in the wake of Russia's offensive in Ukraine raises the question of their interaction with legal regimes applicable to foreign investments which follow diametrically opposed objectives. Indeed, recent trends show that foreign investment regimes...

Before the Gatekeeper Sits the Law. The Digital Markets Act's Regulation of Information Control


Keywords: Digital Markets Act – gatekeepers – information – data – contestability – fairness.

The entry into force of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) introduces a novelty into the legal lexicon.[1] A new term elbows its way into the bustling debate over the regulation of the...

Fairness in the Digital Markets Act


Keywords: Digital Markets Act – platform economy – fairness – equity – distribution – legal standard.

The notion of “fairness” is ubiquitous in the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”).[1] Yet, its meaning remains elusive. This piece considers different ways to interpret fairness in the...

Putting Limits on Judicial Creativity: AG Kokott’s Opinion in Commission v CK Telecoms


Keywords: SIEC – non-collusive oligopoly gap – standard of proof – Advocate General – UPP test – horizontal mergers.

On 20 October 2022, Advocate General (AG) Kokott delivered her Opinion in Commission v CK Telecoms.[1] This constitutes a major recent development in the...

PL Holdings case: The Investor Ordered to Pay the Expropriating State's Costs, a New Consequence of Achmea


Abstract: In the Swedish Supreme Court's epilogue to the PL Holdings case, the expropriated company lost all its claims against Poland, which had expropriated it. Applying the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on intra-European investment arbitration, the Supreme Court did not merely invalidate the ad hoc...

Digital Markets Act (DMA): A Consumer Protection Perspective


Keywords: Digital Markets Act – DMA – consumer protection – EU consumer law – fairness – digital law.

In December 2020, the European Commission proposed a new set of rules in a long-anticipated package falling in line with the European Digital Strategy.[1] The landmark digital...

Adapting Competition Law to the Digital Transition. Two Challenges


Abstract: The European responses to the COVID-19 outbreak have triggered an ongoing review process of competition rules and enforcement procedure to support the Union’s priorities. In this context, the European Commission published the Communication ‘A Competition Policy Fit for New Challenges' with the aim of underlining the ability of competition...

The EU General Court's 2022 Intel Judgment: Back to Square One of the Intel Saga


Abstract: The latest judgment of the General Court in the Intel case annulled the EU Commission’s decision from 2009 imposing a €1.06 billion fine on Intel for abusing its dominant position by offering fidelity rebate schemes (case T‑286/09 Intel v Commission ECLI:EU:T:2022:19). The judgment reaffirms the application of an “effects...



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