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Council Recommendation for Promoting Cooperation and Solidarity Amongst the Member States: A Far Enough Step?


Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted many EU Member States to introduce unilateral and diverse travel restriction measures and border controls. European Treaties do allow the Member States to derogate from free movements on the grounds of public health, however, the imposition of inconsistent and diverse restrictions threaten the integrity...

On the Futility of Expelling Poor Union Citizens in an Open Border Europe


Abstract: What is the point of expelling illegally residing EU citizens when they would be able to immediately return in an open-border Europe? This Insight critically discusses the opinion by Advocate-General Rantos in the FS v Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid case (C‑719/19), where an EU citizen had been expelled from...

Does Stand-by Time Count as Working Time? The Court of Justice Gives Guidance in DJ v Radiotelevizija Slovenija and RJ v Stadt Offenbach am Main


Keywords: working time – Court of Justice – stand-by time – rest period – Working Time Directive – health and safety.

On 9 March 2021, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) added two judgments to a long line of case law interpreting the meaning of “working time” under art. 2 of...

The Digital Markets Act Proposal of the European Commission: Ex-ante Regulation, Infused with Competition Principles


Abstract: This Insight on the legislative proposal for a Digital Markets Act (DMA), issued on 15 December 2020 by the European Commission, discusses the importance of clearly delineating the objectives under which enforcement of the said act will take place. This is necessitated because of the closeness, if not overlap with the domain of EU...

The European Union Customs Administration and the Fight Against Fraud


Abstract: The EU customs management system is based on uniform legislation that is implemented on a decentralised basis by the Member States. In theory, the Customs Union should operate as if it were one single administration. In practice, the non-harmonised and uncoordinated application of the common customs legislation disrupts the proper...

Soft Law in EU Electronic Communications Regulation: A Bulgarian Case Study


Abstract: Soft law adopted by the European Commission is an integral part of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, and has always played an important role in the regulatory process. In economic regulation under the framework, the use of binding legislation is limited to prescribing general regulatory powers...

Implementing ‘Responsible Business Conduct’ Approaches Under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights at the Time of COVID-19


Abstract: COVID-19 has prompted unprecedented changes to daily life across the EU and has affected the enjoyment of many of the rights set out in human rights international treaties. While the current debate on the impact of COVID-19 on human rights mainly has focused its attention on the role of States, on the emergency measures they have to adopt...

AI Regulation Through the Lens of Fundamental Rights: How Well Does the GDPR Address the Challenges Posed by AI?


Abstract: In early 2020, the European Commission published a White Paper on artificial intelligence (AI) regulation, in which it highlighted the need to review the EU’s legislative framework with a view to making it fit for the current technological developments. The aim of this Insight is to carry out such review from the perspective of...



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