- 427 lectures
The Mutual Trust Under Pressure Conference (Friday 26 January 2018 – 9.00–17.00) will bring to a conclusion the two year project awarded to Tony Marguery by the European Union, on the topic of prisoner’s fundamental rights in the European Union – in regards to the transfer of conviction judgments in the application of mutual recognition.
This is an international conference, at which you will hear from speakers of various professional backgrounds such as the European Courts, the Commission, the University of Cambridge, Utrecht and Brussels, as well as representatives of the practice.
Conference organized by: dr. Tony Marguery
Venue: USBO (room 0.24), Bijlhouwerstraat 6, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
General information
Registration: There is no registration fee. To complete registration, please send an email to secretariaat.ier@uu.nl.