The Legal Space for Structural Differentiation in the EU: Reciprocity, Interconnectedness and Effectiveness as Sources of Constitutional Rigidity


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Sources of rigidity. – II.1. Omnidirectional reciprocity as a source of rigidity. – II.2. Interconnectedness as a source of rigidity. – II.3. Effectiveness as a source of rigidity. – II.4. The clash between rigidity and the dynamics of differentiation. – III. Brexit insights for future attempts at structural...

What Chimpanzees Can Teach the EU: Or Why the EU Should Embrace Sovereignty as Part of Human Nature


Abstract: This Insight makes four key claims. First, evolutionary biology and the study of chimpanzees show that social animals have an emotional need for a stable, formal hierarchy. Second, sovereignty might be understood as a highly evolved and abstract solution to fill this basic need. Third, global interdependence and European...


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