Decentralized Finance and EU Law: The Regulation on a Pilot Regime for Market Infrastructures Based on Distributed Ledger Technology


Abstract: The decentralized issuance of financial instruments is presently problematic under EU law. This situation will change with the entry into force of the Regulation on a pilot regime for market infrastructures based on distributed ledger technology. The Regulation provides for a regulatory sandbox – the pilot regime – that market operators...

The Pragmatism of the Court of Justice on the Detention of Irregular Migrants: Comment on Affum


Abstract: The recent Affum decision (judgment of 7 June 2016, case C-47/15) represents a new step forward in the case law of the Court of Justice on the detention of irregular migrants. The Court, departing from its previous case law in Achughbabian and El Dridi, adopts a rather pragmatic approach, preferring to stick...


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