Gone with the Wind: JP and the Right to Clean Air Under EU Law


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Air quality and EU law. – III. The CJEU’s case law on AQD. – III.1. Public enforcement. – III.2. Private enforcement. – IV. The JP judgement: no right to seek damages caused by air pollution. – IV.1. Damages are no longer a necessary corollary of direct effect. – IV.2. Member Staes liability for...

The Misleading Consequences of Comparing Algorithmic and Tacit Collusion: Tackling Algorithmic Concerted Practices Under Art. 101 TFEU


Table of Contents: I. Preliminary remarks. – II. The increasing attractiveness of cartels in the age of big data analytics. – III. Collusion between rational algorithms: the relation between market transparency and artificial intelligence in a world of big data. – IV. Existing vs created market conditions: tacit collusion or algorithmic...


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