The Revised Draft Agreement on the Accession of the EU to the ECHR: Third Time’s a Charm?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Preparing the ground for another attempt? The judicial dialogue between the CJEU and ECtHR since Opinion 2/13 – III. Negotiating the Revised Draft Accession Agreement. – IV. Appraising the Revised Draft Accession Agreement. - V. Conclusion.


A Common Security and Defence Policy: Limits to Differentiated Integration in PESCO?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. CSDP: Between a common and differentiated policy. – II.1. CSDP as a common policy of the EU. – II.2. Differentiated integration in CFSDP. – III. PESCO’s microcosm of differentiated integration. – III.1. The awakening of the “Sleeping Beauty”. – III.2.    Participation in PESCO. – III.3. PESCO projects. – IV....

New Options for Differentiated Integration in the European Union: Introduction to the Special Section


Abstract: This Article provides insights into the question of whether there is a tension between commonness and differentiation in EU policies, in particular post-Brexit. Brexit triggered new discussions on so-called differentiated integration (DI) in the European Union. Not only was Brexit perceived as a potential tool to...

The Externalisation of the EU’s Cybersecurity Regime: The Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Cybersecurity as internal market resilience. – III. Cybersecurity as an issue of internal security under the AFSJ. – IV. Mainstreaming cybersecurity into CFSP. – IV.1. The emergence of cyber cooperation under PESCO. – IV.2. Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox: between sanctions and a lawful response to cyber-attacks. –...

Friends with Benefits? Possibilities for the UK’s Continued Participation in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. European law aspects of post-Brexit EU-UK cooperation. – II.1. Legal institutional possibilities and obstacles. – II.2. The withdrawal agreement. – II.3. Third country participation in CFSP. – III. International law aspects of post-Brexit EU-UK cooperation. – III.1. Existing and new CFSP/CSDP agreements. –...

The EU Solution to Deal with the Dutch Referendum Result on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement


Keywords: EU-Ukraine cooperation – association agreement – Dutch referendum – European Council – mixed agreements – international agreements.

On 6 April 2016 the Dutch population was asked to be voor (in favour) or tegen (against) the act to approve the Association Agreement between the...

Lex Imperfecta: Law and Integration in European Foreign and Security Policy


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The current position of CFSP in the EU Treaties. – II.1. The purpose of CFSP. – II.2. Consistency between CFSP and other External Relations Policies. – II.3. Legal basis and competence. – III. Internal pressures towards integration. – III.1. A new institutional set-up. – III.2.Legal bases. – III.3....


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