On the Futility of Expelling Poor Union Citizens in an Open Border Europe


Abstract: What is the point of expelling illegally residing EU citizens when they would be able to immediately return in an open-border Europe? This Insight critically discusses the opinion by Advocate-General Rantos in the FS v Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid case (C‑719/19), where an EU citizen had been expelled from...

Religious Slaughtering, a Stunning Matter: Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others


Abstract: In Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others (case C-336/19 ECLI:EU:C:2020:1031) the Court of Justice held that EU Member States are allowed to require, in the context of ritual slaughter, a reversible stunning procedure which cannot result in the animal’s death. According to the Court, Regulation 1099/2009 on the...

When Medical Treatment and Religious Beliefs Intersect: The Case of Veselibas Ministrija


Abstract: This Insight comments the judgment of the Court of Justice in Veselības ministrija (case C-243/19 ECLI:EU:C:2020:872) with a view to highlight its contribution to the effectiveness of equality in access to healthcare within the Union. After a brief introduction and contextualization of the case, this Insight...

Sensibilité(s) européenne(s) et sensibilité animale: l’affaire Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België e a.


Abstract: The Court of Justice of the European Union is once again invited to rule on the conciliation between animal welfare and freedom of religion. Mainly relying on the lack of consensus among the Member States, the Court finds that a national legislation introducing an obligation of reversible stunning is admitted according to Regulation (EC)...

A European Way to Approach (and Limit) the Law on State Immunity? The Court of Justice in the RINA Case


Abstract: The present Insight offers an analysis of the judgment of the Court of Justice in the so-called RINA case (judgment of 7 May 2020, case C-641/18, LG and Others v. Rina and Ente Registro Navale), which deals with the (non) automatic extension of State immunity to private actors entrusted with some public functions....

Freedom of Religion in the Workplace v. Freedom to Conduct a Business, the Islamic Veil Before the Court of Justice: Ms. Samira Achbita Case


Abstract: The Court of Justice ruled on 14 March 2017 an interesting judgment concerning the dismissal of Ms. Samira Achbita (case C‑157/15, Samira Achbita v. G4S Secure Solutions NV), a Muslim female, who had worked as a receptionist in the private sector. She was dismissed due to her refusal to stop wearing the Islamic headscarf according...

A European Court of Human Rights’ Systematization of Principles Applicable to Expulsion Cases


Abstract: The European Court of Human Rights has developed a large case-law regarding expulsion cases, of which cases linked to asylum applications constitute a significant number. This Insight analyses the case of J.K. et al. v. Sweden [GC] (judgment of 23 August 2016, no. 59166/12), which constitutes an attempt on the part of the...

“Clash of Titans” 2.0. From Conflicting EU General Principles to Conflicting Jurisdictional Authorities: The Court of Justice and the Danish Supreme Court in the Dansk Industri Case


Abstract: The present Insight focuses on the reception by the Danish Supreme Court (judgment of 6 December 2016, no. 15/2014, DI acting for Ajos A/S v. The estate left by A.) of the Court of Justice decision in the Dansk Industri case (judgment of 19 April 2016, case C-441/14 [GC]). Instead of disapplying a national...

The Dogan et al. v. Turkey Case: A Missed Opportunity to Recognise Positive Obligations as Regards the Freedom of Religion


Abstract: In the Doğan et al. v. Turkey case (judgment of 26 April 2016, no. 62649/10), the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights decided on an application made by several Turkish citizens belonging to the Alevi faith. They complained not to be able to enjoy the same guarantees granted to citizens of the Sunni branch of Islam...



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