Poland Before the Court of Justice: Limitless or Limited Case Law on Art. 19 TEU?


Abstract: In 2019, the Court of Justice has ruled in an innovative case on the protection of the independence of Member States’ judiciaries. In two judgments, delivered in June and November, the Court declared that several statutes amending the organisation of the Polish judicial system infringed the second subparagraph of Art. 19, para. 1, TEU...

A New European Fundamental Rights Court: The German Constitutional Court on the Right to Be Forgotten


Abstract: This Insight concerns two judgments of the German Federal Constitutional Court from 6 November 2019, Right to be Forgotten I and II. The judgments present an overhaul of the Court’s own positioning within the system of EU multilevel fundamental rights adjudication and bring substantial novelties to the EU law...

Google v. CNIL: The Territorial Scope of the Right to Be Forgotten Under EU Law


Abstract: This Insight provides a critical analysis of the judgment of 24 September 2019, Google Inc. v. Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL), case C-507/17, which clarified the territorial scope of the right to be forgotten under current EU law by holding that it only applies within EU borders. Although...

The Rule of Law Crisis Deepens in Poland after A.K. v. Krajowa Rada Sadownictwa and CP, DO v. Sad Najwyzszy


Abstract: The Insight analyses the recent judgment of the Court of Justice in joined cases C-585/18, C-624/18 and C-625/1, A.K. v. Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa and CP, DO v. Sąd Najwyższy, hereafter A.K. and Others. The ruling has had considerable impact on the crisis of the rule of law in Poland and the note evaluates its...

L’affaire Indépendance de la Cour suprême devant la Cour de justice: réflexions sur “l’indispensable liberté des juges”


Abstract: The Court of Justice recently delivered its June 2019 judgment in Commission v. Poland (24 June 2019, case C-619/18, Independence of the Supreme Court [GC]). The Court upheld the principle of effective judicial protection embodied in Art. 19 TEU, building on its previous February 2018 judgment in Associação Sindical...

Effetti indiretti della Carta dei diritti fondamentali? In margine alla sentenza Commissione c. Polonia (Indépendance de la Cour suprême)


Abstract: In the case law of the CJEU, Art. 51 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is often read as based on a dichotomic distinction between national rules and behaviors falling within and, respectively, outside the scope of the Charter. Only the first category of rules and behaviors shall abide by the Charter, while the...

Jurisdiction in Matters of Parental Responsibility Between Legal Certainty and Children’s Fundamental Rights


Abstract: The impact of the protection of fundamental rights is a factor of increasing importance for the interpretation of EU private international law. In matters of parental responsibility, the application of the rules on jurisdictional competence contained in the Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 can have a significant bearing on the rights of the child...

Cordella et al. v. Italy: Industrial Emissions and Italian Omissions Under Scrutiny


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 24 January 2019, Cordella et al. v. Italy (joint applications n. 54414/13 and n. 54264/15), marking an important step in the judicial saga of the Ilva steel plant in Taranto. The Court unanimously established Italy’s responsibility in failing to...



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