European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 3, 2018, No 2

Fundamental Values and Fundamental Disagreement in Europe
Interdependence and Contestation in European Integration
Floris de Witte
Law and Foreign Policy Before the Court: Some Hidden Perils of Rosneft
Luigi Lonardo
The Accountability of the European Stability Mechanism and the European Monetary Fund: Who Should Answer for Conditionality Measures?
Francesco Pennesi
Conflict between Fundamental Freedoms and Fundamental Rights in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union: A Comparison with the US Supreme Court Practice
Tamas Szabados
Special Section – Europe and “Crisis” (First Part)
edited by Leone Niglia
Leone Niglia
Europa: de Habermas a Kant pasando por el populismo
José Luis Villacañas Berlanga
The Past of an Illusion? Pluralistic Theories of European Law in Times of “Crises”
Agustín José Menéndez
Special Section – Social Integration in EU Law: Content, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion
edited by Francesco Costamagna and Stefano Montaldo
Francesco Costamagna and Stefano Montaldo
Social Integration: The Different Paradigms for EU Citizens and Third Country Nationals
Alessandra Lang
Aim and Duty, Sword and Shield: Analysing the Cause and Effects of the Malleability of “Social Integration” in EU Law
Stephanie Reynolds
From Alternative Triggers to Shifting Links: Social Integration and Protection of Supranational Citizenship in the Context of Brexit and Beyond
Francesca Strumia
The Absence of Integration and the Responsibilisation of Union Citizenship
Stephen Coutts
Social Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers Through the Exercise of Socio-economic Rights in European Union Law
Emanuela Pistoia
European Forum
Insights and Highlights
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