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The 2019 Elections and the Future Role of the European Parliament: Upsetting the Institutional Balance?
Special Section – The Achmea Case Between International Law and European Union Law
edited by Ségolène Barbou des Places, Emanuele Cimiotta and Juan Santos Vara
Achmea Between the Orthodoxy of the Court of Justice and Its Multi-faceted Implications: An Introduction
Ségolène Barbou des Places, Emanuele Cimiotta and Juan Santos Vara
I Would Rather Be a Respondent State Before a Domestic Court in the EU than Before an International Investment Tribunal
Ivana Damjanovic and Nicolas de Sadeleer
On Achmea, the Autonomy of Union Law, Mutual Trust and What Lies Ahead
Sonsoles Centeno Huerta and Nicolaj Kuplewatzky
Some Reflections on Achmea’s Broader Consequences for Investment Arbitration
Christina Eckes
Achmea: Consequences on Applicable Law and ISDS Clauses in Extra-EU BITs and Future EU Trade and Investment Agreements
Quentin Declève
Opinion 1/17 in Light of Achmea: Chronicle of an Opinion Foretold?
Mauro Gatti
Special Section – Regulatory Competition in the EU: Foundations, Tools and Implications
edited by Francesco Costamagna
Francesco Costamagna


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Foro Europeo