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The European Form of Family Life: The Case of EU Citizenship
Edouard Dubout
Transnational Judicial Review in Horizontal Composite Procedures: Berlioz, Donnellan, and the Constitutional Law of the Union
Paolo Mazzotti and Mariolina Eliantonio
The Integration of Migration Concerns into EU External Policies: Instruments, Techniques and Legal Problems
Sara Poli
Historical Memory in Post-communist Europe and the Rule of Law – First Part
edited by Grażyna Baranowska and León Castellanos-Jankiewicz
Historical Memory in Post-communist Europe and the Rule of Law: An Introduction
Grażyna Baranowska and León Castellanos-Jankiewicz
Historians, Memory Laws, and the Politics of the Past
Nikolay Koposov
On the Frontline of European Memory Wars: Memory Laws and Policy in Ukraine
Alina Cherviatsova
The Crime of Genocide Against the Lithuanian Partisans: A Dialogue Between the Council of Europe and the Lithuanian Courts
Nika Bruskina
History and Interpretation in the Fundamental Law of Hungary
Miklós Könczöl and István Kevevári
Re-connecting Authority and Democratic Legitimacy in the EU
edited by Cristina Fasone, Daniele Gallo and Jan Wouters
Re-connecting Authority and Democratic Legitimacy in the EU: Introductory Remarks
Cristina Fasone, Daniele Gallo and Jan Wouters
The Legitimacy of the EU in Historical Perspective: History of a Never-ending Quest
Lise Rye
Electoral Accountability in the European Union: An Analysis of the European Parliament Elections with Respect to the EU’s Political Deficit
Julien Navarro
The Dichotomy Between “Input Legitimacy” and “Output Legitimacy” in the Light of the EU Institutional Developments
Cesare Pinelli


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