- letto 863 volte
Alexandre Boiché, A Spouse Can Only Have One Habitual Residence for the Application of Article 3 Brussels II-bis
Elena Corcione, The Role of Soft-Law in Adjudicating Corporate Human Rights Abuses: Interpreting the Alien Tort Statute in the Light of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Elias Deutscher, Google Shopping and the Quest for a Legal Test for Self-preferencing Under Article 102 TFEU
Christina Eckes, Tackling the Climate Crisis with Counter-majoritarian Instruments: Judges between Political Paralysis, Science, and International Law
Jed Odermatt, Is EU Law International? Case C-741/19 Republic of Moldova v Komstroy LLC and the Autonomy of the EU Legal Order
Charlotte Reichow, The Court of Justice’s Sumal Judgment: Civil Liability of a Subsidiary for its Parent’s Infringement of EU Competition Law
Chiara Bertoldi, The New European Commission Decision on Standard Contractual Clauses: A System Reform?
European Papers, Vol. 6, 2021, No 3, European Forum
ISSN 2499-8249