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In an earlier issue, European Papers hosted a comment by Eva Kassoti on the Court of Justice’s decision in case C-104/16 P, Council of the European Union v. Front Polisario.
The comment has triggered a number of reactions, some of which requesting that the critical points it made be counterbalanced by different views. Aware of the many controversial issues entailed by the decision, the current issue of European Papers offers a wider range of opinions, brought together in this Dialogue. To attain this goal, an exception to the linguistic regime of the e-Journal proved to be necessary. Some contributions were submitted spontaneously, others were invited.
The various contributions unfold along an invisible thread, keeping together topics such as the legal consequences of serious breaches of collective interests and values of the international community, the tension between these interests and values and the recurrently re-emerging raison d’Etat, the role of the European Union as an actor in international relations and as a promoter of the development of international law, and the relations between its political and judicial Institutions in shaping the European lines of foreign affairs.
European Papers does not endorse any of the arguments that are published, but, as always, puts its columns at the disposal of every plausible, yet controversial, argument pertaining to the process of European integration. It is the profound belief of its governing bodies that the active development of a European approach to international law is intimately connected to the future of Europe and to the role it wants to play in an ever more interconnected world.
European Papers, Vol. 2, 2017, No 3, p. 905
ISSN 2499-8249