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Von der Macht der Sprache im Europäischen Rechtsdiskurs – ein deutscher Beitrag


Keywords: Rechtsdiskurs – Sprache – Staatenverbund – Verfassungsverbund – Verfassungsgemeinschaft – Wortwissenschaft.

Das Recht und die Wissenschaft vom Recht sind sprachgebunden; Sprache ermöglicht und begrenzt Rechtsdiskurse; Sprache ist Macht- und Vermittlungsinstrument, Rechts- und Kulturgut zugleich....

Die Übersetzungspraxis von Verfassungsgerichten und ihr Beitrag zur deutschsprachigen Europarechtswissenschaft


Keywords: translations of decisions – constitutional courts – German-speaking European legal studies – BundesverfassungsgerichtVerfassungsgerichtshofConseil constitutionnel.

Will man die Rolle der deutschsprachigen Europarechtswissenschaft über Landesgrenzen hinweg beleuchten, kommt...

Reshaping the Boundaries Between 'Decision' and Party Autonomy. The CJEU on the Extrajudicial Italian Divorce


Abstract: This contribution focuses on the definition of “decision” in divorce matters for the purpose of Brussels IIa and IIb Regulations. Shaping the concepts of “decision” and “court” in EU family matters has become controversial since when extrajudicial divorces have spread around Europe since the early 21st century. In 2022 the CJEU...

PL Holdings case: The Investor Ordered to Pay the Expropriating State's Costs, a New Consequence of Achmea


Abstract: In the Swedish Supreme Court's epilogue to the PL Holdings case, the expropriated company lost all its claims against Poland, which had expropriated it. Applying the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on intra-European investment arbitration, the Supreme Court did not merely invalidate the ad hoc...

The Court of Justice and the Assessment of Double Criminality Under the European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision: KL


Abstract: The Court of Justice provided a comprehensive interpretation of the dual criminality requirement under Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA when it handed down its judgment in the KL judgment (case C-168/21 Procureur général près la cour d’appel d’Angers ECLI:EU:C:2022:558). The case at hand raised three intertwined legal...

JY v Wiener Landesregierung: Adding Another Stone to the Case Law Built Up by the CJEU on Nationality and EU Citizenship


Abstract: In case C-118/20 JY v Wiener Landesregierung ECLI:EU:C:2022:34, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice addressed another preliminary question regarding the relationship between nationality and EU citizenship. The case builds on the two previous cases Rottmann and Tjebbes. This time, the Court was confronted...

Thelen Technopark and the Legal Effects of the Services Directive in Purely Internal and Horizontal Disputes


Abstract: In Thelen Technopark (ECLI:EU:C:2022:33), the Court of Justice held that art. 15 of the Services Directive cannot be invoked against a conflicting national law in a horizontal dispute, even though the Court had already definitively established the incompatibility of this national law with the Services Directive in an earlier...

The CILFIT Criteria Clarified and Extended for National Courts of Last Resort Under Art. 267 TFEU


Abstract: A significant judgment of the Grand Chamber of the CJEU was handed down in case C-561/19 Consorzio Italian Management e Catania Multiservizi and Catania Multiservizi ECLI:EU:C:2021:799 (CIM) in October 2021 on the scope of discretion of national courts of last resort when deciding to make a preliminary reference under art...

Carta dei diritti fondamentali, applicabilità e rapporti fra giudici: la necessità di una tutela integrata


Abstract: The year 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It was drawn up at the end of a long process, to which the Court of Justice has contributed substantially, affirming since the seventies the obligation to protect fundamental rights in the Community. The drafting of a...

Defining the Boundaries of the Future Common European Asylum System with the Help of Hungary?


Abstract: In December 2020, the Grand Chamber of the CJUE has confirmed that Hungary has failed to fulfil its obligations under EU law in the area of procedures for granting international protection and returning illegally staying third-country nationals. The judgment in the case Commission v Hungary (case C-808/18 ECLI:EU:C:2020:1029) is...



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