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Breaking a Tradition: How Signing of Agreements Is No Longer a Matter for the Council


Abstract: The European Union has always concluded international agreements with third countries and international organisations as an integral component of its external action. In contrast to its predecessors, the Treaty of Lisbon introduced a uniform procedural framework for the negotiation and conclusion of international agreements in art. 218...

Who You Gonna Call? Insights from the ECJ’s Case C-551/21 on the Signature of International Agreements


Abstract: The current Insight analyses the judgment of the European Court of Justice in Case C-551/21, which upheld the Commission's claim regarding its right to exercise the external act of treaty signature. The decision sheds light on the signature procedure outlined in art. 218 TFEU and adds to previous cases, clarifying the proper...

The If and the How: Losing the EU Citizenship, but with Due Regard to the Due Process of (EU) Law


Abstract: The judgment in Stadt Duisburg, concerning the loss of German (and, thus, EU) citizenship in the context of naturalization proceedings, adds a new chapter to the “judicial saga” of loss of a Member State’s citizenship and compatibility of its national measures with EU law. This Insight focuses on such a case-law of the...

Nuances et limites de l’unité de l’UE dans sa réponse à l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie


Abstract: In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24th February 2022, the European Union adopted clear position under its Common Foreign and Security Policy. Yet, the EU has to deal with opposite state policies that illustrate persisting dissensions between its Member States. In the meantime, the international context forces the EU to face up...

The Human-centric Perspective in the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence


Abstract: The development of new emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, has sparked a scientific debate on their risks and benefits. This debate necessitates legal and regulatory considerations, particularly regarding the balance between technological growth and the protection of human rights. This Insight analyses the...

Shaping the Joint Liability Landscape? The Broader Consequences of WS v Frontex for EU Law


Abstract: The Insight delves into the CJEU judgment of WS et al. v Frontex, the first action for damages against the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, for human rights violations at the EU's external borders. Despite the prevalence of systemic violations and heightened attention to the agency's...

Les interventions des États membres de l’UE dans l’affaire Ukraine c Russie devant la CIJ


Abstract: In the context of the litigation relating to the Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v Russian Federation) before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the Member States of the European Union (EU) have in turn filed a declaration of intervention on the...

The Spitzenkandidaten Method and the European Material Constitution


Keywords: Spitzenkandidat – lead candidate – material constitution – European Commission – Parliament – art. 17(7) TEU.

Legal studies on the method for the appointment of the President of the Commission, known as Spitzenkandidaten, are not frequent. Yet this method has been known and discussed at least for...



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