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The University of Milan-Bicocca – School of Law is proud to present a Call for Papers for the Academic Conference “Waiting for Brexit: open issues in the internal market and in the area of freedom, security and justice”. The Conference represents the closing event of the Jean Monnet course “The EU Court of Justice: techniques and instruments” and will be held at the University of Milan-Bicocca on Friday 19 October 2018.
Concept and main topics of the Conference
The result of the 2016 Brexit referendum was not only a political shock, but also and foremost a symbolic turning point in the history of the EU. The United Kingdom’s foreseen withdrawal from the Union has given rise to many political, legal, economic and social debates.
The main aim of the Conference is to contribute to analyse the impact and effects of Brexit on both EU Law and Italian law in practice. The “Waiting for Brexit” Conference – after a short overview of the main institutional aspects – will offer the audience with an insight into the changes that the withdrawal from the EU of a Member State will have on specific socio-economic areas. In particular, national and international experts (scholars, public officials, legal practitioners, industry representatives) will analyse and discuss topics such as banking and investment law, the transfer of personal data outside the EU, competition law, as well as certain aspects of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters.
Abstract submission guidelines
Interested applicants should submit a short CV and a paper abstract in Italian or English of no more than 700 words (in .doc, .docx or .pdf format) to the attention of the Organising Committee (via e-mail at convegnobrexit.unimib@gmail.com).
The deadline for submission is 15 July 2018. Applications will be selected on the basis of the submitted abstracts and successful applicants will be informed by 6 August 2018.
Afterwards, successful applicants should send the draft papers to the Organising Committee by 15 September 2018. The final versions of the papers should be no longer than 40,000 characters (footnotes and spaces included). The Organising Committee will provide opportunity for publication of the best papers in a top-tier peer-reviewed European law journal.
The full Call for Papers can be acceded here.
Organising Committee: Costanza Honorati (Full Professor of EU Law and Private International Law, University of Milan-Bicocca), Serena Crespi (Aggregate Professor of EU Law, University of Milan-Bicocca), Paolo Iannuccelli (Référandaire at the Court of Justice of the European Union).
For further information: convegnobrexit.unimib@gmail.com.