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Il nuovo trattenimento dei richiedenti protezione internazionale


Keywords: international protection – detention – administrative detention – asylum – returning illegal immigrants.

Con il decreto legislativo del 18 agosto 2015 n. 142, entrato in vigore il 30 settembre 2015, sono state trasposte la direttiva 2013/32/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 26 giugno 2013...

Pena de Prisión e inmigración irregular: comentario a la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en el asunto C-290/14, Celaj


Abstract: This case deals with the relation between national criminal Law and the European legislation on migration. More precisely, it tackles the compatibility of the imposition of a custodial sentence to a non-European citizen in an irregular situation under the Return Directive 2008/115/CE. Unlike the previous cases in which the Court of Justice...

La Banque centrale européenne n’est pas responsable des pertes subies par les créanciers privés de la Grèce dans le cadre du plan de restructuration de la dette publique grecque


Abstract: While Greece was suffering from the pressure of the financial markets resulting from the financial crisis and the partial default situation in which it had to struggle, a set of measures was adopted by both the Eurosystem and the Greek legislator. Part of these was the Private sector involvement program and the controversial mechanism it...

Schengen, Differentiated Integration and Cooperation with the ‘Outs’


Abstract: In case C-44/14, Spain v. European Parliament and Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union has had the opportunity to clarify the scope and effects of the British and Irish opt-out in the Schengen area. The Court held that a limited cooperation with those countries by means of international agreements in an area of the...
