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Solange III? The German Federal Constitutional Court Strikes Again


Keywords: Constitutional Court of Germany – European arrest warrant – fundamental rights – conviction in absentia.

If there is a national court which is famous for its prominence in the European Union (EU) arena that is, undoubtedly, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, the Bundesverfassungsgericht...

Basi giuridiche supplementari, derivate e... abrogate? La Corte di giustizia conferma la validità della decisione che integra l’elenco di partner internazionali di Europol


Abstract: The comment focuses on three issues addressed by the ECJ in case C-363/14, European Parliament v. Council, concerning the validity of an implementing decision adopted on 6 May 2014, which amended the list of Europol’s international partners. The first issue concerns the choice of the legal basis for the decision. The second issue...

La sentenza della Corte di giustizia nel caso Orizzonte Salute e il sistema italiano di contributi unificati cumulativi nei ricorsi in materia di appalti pubblici: ogni persona, che possa permetterselo, ha diritto di accesso alla giustizia?


Abstract: This Insight focuses on the recent judgment of the Court of Justice in Orizzonte Salute (case C-61/14). The Court was asked to clarify whether EU Law – more particularly Art. 1 of Directive 89/665/EEC of the Council on the coordination of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of...

Schengen, Differentiated Integration and Cooperation with the ‘Outs’


Abstract: In case C-44/14, Spain v. European Parliament and Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union has had the opportunity to clarify the scope and effects of the British and Irish opt-out in the Schengen area. The Court held that a limited cooperation with those countries by means of international agreements in an area of the...

Pena de Prisión e inmigración irregular: comentario a la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en el asunto C-290/14, Celaj


Abstract: This case deals with the relation between national criminal Law and the European legislation on migration. More precisely, it tackles the compatibility of the imposition of a custodial sentence to a non-European citizen in an irregular situation under the Return Directive 2008/115/CE. Unlike the previous cases in which the Court of Justice...



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