The If and the How: Losing the EU Citizenship, but with Due Regard to the Due Process of (EU) Law


Abstract: The judgment in Stadt Duisburg, concerning the loss of German (and, thus, EU) citizenship in the context of naturalization proceedings, adds a new chapter to the “judicial saga” of loss of a Member State’s citizenship and compatibility of its national measures with EU law. This Insight focuses on such a case-law of the...

Politica dei visti e stato di diritto: il difficile equilibrio tra sovranità e garanzie procedurali nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia


Abstract: Third country nationals are in a “weak” position when it comes to issuing a uniform Schengen short-term visa. The EU acquis on visas, and most notably the Visa Code, is still a domain strongly marked by State sovereignty, wide margin of appreciation and scarce transparency in the decision-making process. The EU Court of Justice...


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