Next Generation EU and Governance by Conditionality: A Transformation of the European Economic Constitution?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The use of conditionality instruments in EU law – III. Varieties of conditionality instruments. – IV. The governance of conditionality under the RRF. – IV.1. Thematic conditions and the implementation of EU policy goals. – IV.2. Macroeconomic conditions as the leverage of reforms. – IV.3. The rule of law...

The Delegation of Powers to EU Agencies After the Financial Crisis


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The issue of delegation under the system of the Treaties. – III. Rule-shaping by EU agencies in the financial markets. – III.1 Participation in the executive rulemaking of the Commission. – III.2 Harmonisation through soft law. – IV. Legality and delegation after the financial crisis. – V....


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