The External Administrative Layer of EU Law-making: International Decisions in EU Law and the Case of CETA


Table of Contents: I. The international regulation of public goods: legal challenges. – II. International decisions by CETA bodies. – III. Decisions of international bodies: a source of EU law. – IV. The external administrative layer of EU law. – IV.1. Interpretative effects: validating EU law. – IV.2. Authoritative international decisions. – IV.3....

Is There an Accountability Gap in EU External Relations? Some Initial Conclusions


Abstract: This short Article draws together some conclusions based on the contributions to the Special Section “The New Frontiers of EU Administrative Law: Is there a Gap in EU External Relations?”. It concludes first that external action is a rich field in the application of EU administrative law. External policies are implemented...

“Effective Judicial Review Is of the Essence of the Rule of Law”: Challenging Common Foreign and Security Policy Measures Before the Court of Justice


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The legal framework. – III. Limiting the Court’s jurisdiction. – IV. The Exception: judicial review of CFSP acts. – V. Grounds for and intensity of review. – VI. Conclusion.

Abstract: This Article discusses the role of the Court of Justice in...

Introduction: The New Frontiers of EU Administrative Law and the Scope of Our Inquiry


Table of Contents: I. The EU as a global administrative actor. – II. Development of EU administrative law and external relations: setting the scene. – III. Administrative action as instrumental action in external relations. – IV. Accountability: actors, fora and different types of act. – V. Mapping administrative action in EU external...

The Thousand Cataluñas of Europe


Irrespective of the perspective from which one looks at the Catalonian events, which are still unfolding under our incredulous eyes, the impression can only be univocal: Spain is right and Catalonia is wrong. The claim of the Spanish Government to preserve the unity of the nation is well founded; conversely, the independence proclaimed by the Catalonian Government amounts to...

Judicial Cooperation, Transfer of Prisoners and Offenders’ Rehabilitation: No Fairy-tale Bliss. Comment on Ognyanov


Table of Contents: I. Better late than never: the first case concerning the Council Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA on the transfer of prisoners in the European Union. – II. Facts of the case. – III. The notion of enforcement of a sentence and the division of competences between the issuing and executing States. – III.1. Which enforcement? The...

Acknowledging the Impact of Administrative Power in the EU External Action


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The impact of administrative power on the exercise of EU public authority. – II.1. Preparatory acts informing final decisions. – II.2. Rule-making acts: looking beyond technicalities. – III. The impact of administrative power on the exercise of third countries public authority. – III.1. Preparatory acts:...

Procedural Rights in the Context of Restrictive Measures: Does the Adversarial Principle Survive the Necessities of Secrecy?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The legal framework concerning restrictive measures. – III. The development of the right of access to the file. – IV. Access to “secret evidence” by the CJEU. – V. Conclusions.

Abstract: Safeguarding fundamental procedural rights in the context of security...

Administering EU Development Policy: Between Global Commitments and Vague Accountability Structures


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Legal framework. – II.1. The hard law: the Cotonou Convention and EU Regulations: multilateral or unilateral? – II.2. Post legislative guidance and the real world of implementing EU assistance. – II.3. The European Investment Bank: what role for voluntary policies? – III. Court and EO practice: setting the...

External Migration and Asylum Management: Accountability for Executive Action Outside EU-territory


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. EU visa policy. – II.1. Judicial review of decisions. – II.2. Judicial review in case of representation. – II.3. Humanitarian visa. – II.4. The extra-territorial applicability of the Charter. – III. Refugee resettlement. – III.1. EU Resettlement initiatives. – III.2. Resettlement in the refugee crisis. – III...



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