EU Financial Interests Within the Financialisation Process of the European Legal Order


Table of Contents: I. The growing importance of EU financial interests. – II. From instrumental to functional. – III. The financialisation of the European rule of law? – IV. The EU financial interests and European integration. – V. The pervasive notion of EU financial interests. – VI. Concluding remarks.


Introduction to the Special Section: The Shape-Shifting Definition of the EU’s Financial Interest and its Protection in Contemporary Europe


Abstract: In just a few years, the concept of protecting the EU’s financial interests has become strategic and fundamental to understanding the economic and financial structure of the European legal system. But it is also essential in navigating the changes to constitutional, administrative, and criminal law that have marked the system following the...

Next Generation EU and Governance by Conditionality: A Transformation of the European Economic Constitution?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The use of conditionality instruments in EU law – III. Varieties of conditionality instruments. – IV. The governance of conditionality under the RRF. – IV.1. Thematic conditions and the implementation of EU policy goals. – IV.2. Macroeconomic conditions as the leverage of reforms. – IV.3. The rule of law...

Beyond the Assimilation Principle: Enhanced Protection of the EU’s Financial Interest vis-à-vis National Interests in Italy


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Protecting European financial interests moving beyond the assimilation principle: some examples and their implications from the criminal law perspective. – III. “Beyond” or “below” the assimilation principle with the NRRP? The administrative law point of view. – III.1. Are European standards steering the...

The Protection of EU Financial Interests in Poland: Administrative and Criminal Critical Issues


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The administrative law perspective: the system of controls on EU funds in Poland. – II.1. Guidelines for operational programmes – soft or hard law: that is the question. – III. Protection of EU financial interests in Poland from a criminal law perspective. – III.1. Can the EU’s financial interests be...

Whose Bias is it, Anyway? The Need for a Four-Eyes Principle in AI-Driven Competion Law Proceedings


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Biases and noise: mapping the debate. – II.1. Cognitive biases. – II.2. Noise. – II.3. Bias and noise in competition law procedure. – III. The promises: debiasing, accelerating, prioritizing. – IV. The pitfalls: biasing again. – V. The need for a four-eyes principle. – VI. Conclusion....

The Right to Avoid Self-incrimination: Yet Another Elephant in the Automated Competition law Enforcement Room?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The right to avoid self-incrimination in EU competition law. – II.1. The right to avoid self-incrimination in the Charter of Fundamental Rights: Article 6 ECHR as a starting point. – II.2. A specific right to avoid self-incrimination in EU competition law enforcement? – III. Protection against self-...

The House Always Wins. A Systematic Analysis of CJEU Case Law Relating to the Economic and Monetary Union (2010-2020)


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Data set and general analysis of CJEU case law. – II.1 The data set. – II.2 Overall findings. – III. Financial assistance programmes. – IV. The ECB’s monetary crisis measures. – V. Banking union. – VI. Conclusions.

Abstract: During the past ten years or so...

Conformity of ISDS Mechanisms in First-Generation Bilateral Investment Treaties with EU Law: The Impact of Opinion 1/17


Table of Contents: I. Introduction – II. The content of Opinion 1/17 – II.1. Compliance of the investment court system framed in CETA with the principle of autonomy of the EU legal order – II.2. Compliance of the investment court system framed in CETA with the right of access to an independent tribunal – III. Assessing the compatibility of first-...



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