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EU Cross-border Telemedicine: A Partial Harmonisation of Product and Professional Liability?


Abstract: Telemedicine raises complex legal issues. The challenging regulatory choices needed to adequately cope with the digital transformation of healthcare become more pronounced when the provision of healthcare services bridges national borders. Recently the EU has undoubtedly presented itself as a particularly active player in harmonising the...

Reshaping the Boundaries Between 'Decision' and Party Autonomy. The CJEU on the Extrajudicial Italian Divorce


Abstract: This contribution focuses on the definition of “decision” in divorce matters for the purpose of Brussels IIa and IIb Regulations. Shaping the concepts of “decision” and “court” in EU family matters has become controversial since when extrajudicial divorces have spread around Europe since the early 21st century. In 2022 the CJEU...

Jurisdiction Concerning Actions by a Legal Person for Disparaging Statements on the Internet: The Persistence of the Mosaic Approach


Abstract: The author comments on a recent judgment by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Gtflix TV v DR (C-251/20 ECLI:EU:C:2021:1036), concerning jurisdiction on an action by a legal person seeking at the same time rectification and removal of disparaging statements published by a competitor on the Internet, and compensation for...

A Spouse Can Only Have One Habitual Residence for the Application of Article 3 Brussels II-bis


Abstract: In application of art. 3 Brussels II-bis a spouse can only have one habitual residence even if he/she share his/her time between two Member States. The court has the duty to establish his/her habitual residence taking into account the place where such person has the main centre of his or her interests and a stable presence....

The Application of Art. 10 of Brussels II-Bis to Children Abducted Out of the EU: The Last UK Reference on Family Law?


Abstract: Upon probably the last reference from the UK on Family Law, in SS (case C-603/20 PPU ECLI:EU:C:2021:231) the CJEU was asked to rule, on the application of art. 10 of Brussels II-bis where a child, formerly habitually resident in a Member State, is abducted to and becomes resident in a third State. This Insight....

La prima decisione sul Regolamento Roma III e la legge italiana sul divorzio: le difficoltà del giudice straniero il cui ordinamento non conosca l’istituto della separazione legale


Abstract: EU Member States have different understanding as to divorce and separation proceedings. While some States only have divorce and do not know separation proceedings, others will consider both proceedings as alternative remedies in matrimonial claims. Italy is the only MS where a legal separation proceeding is a necessary precondition to file...

The E.E. Decision Sheds Light on Notaries Acting as 'Courts' and on a Few Other Notions Within the Context of the Succession Regulation


Abstract: The preliminary questions of the Supreme Court of Lithuania in case E.E. (C-80/19) presented a unique opportunity to provide a more detailed and comprehensive interpretation of several provisions of the Succession Regulation. Responding to them, in its judgment of 16 July 2020 the CJEU discussed the understanding of the cross-...

Jurisdiction in Matters of Parental Responsibility Between Legal Certainty and Children’s Fundamental Rights


Abstract: The impact of the protection of fundamental rights is a factor of increasing importance for the interpretation of EU private international law. In matters of parental responsibility, the application of the rules on jurisdictional competence contained in the Regulation (EC) 2201/2003 can have a significant bearing on the rights of the child...

Consequences of Brexit for European Private International Law


Abstract: International jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments in Europe will be considerably affected by Brexit. The Brussels I regime threatens to fall back from the Recast Regulation to the outdated 1968 Convention, which the Withdrawal Agreement intends to prevent. An alternative might be the UK’s accession to the 2007 Lugano...

Brexit et espace judiciaire européen


Abstract: Brexit will lead the United Kingdom to exit from the European judicial area. The different European rules, dealing with judicial competence, conflicts of laws and the recognition of judicial decisions, will not apply anymore. Legal certainty is at risk, for persons exercising free movement and for commercial exchanges. Hence the need to...



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