- letto 407 volte
Facts and Figures
Year of foundation: 2016
Official first release date: 29 April 2016
ISSN: 2499-8249
doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/...
Year of foundation: 2016
Official first release date: 29 April 2016
ISSN: 2499-8249
doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/...
The Conference on The limits of mutual trust and mutual recognition will take place at Utrecht University, on June 9, 2017, from 13:00 until 18:00, and is organized by dr. Ton...
Abstract: Extradition agreements between Member States and third States fall within the competence of Member States, but the ruling in Aleksei Petruhhin (Court of Justice, judgment of 6 September 2016, case C-182/15 [GC]) shows that Member States must exercise this competence in light of EU law if extradition may affect an EU citizen’s...
Abstract: In A and B v. Norway (judgment of 15 November 2016, nos 24130/11 and 29758/11) the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights restricted the scope of the ne bis in idem principle. Partly relaying on its previous case law, the Court upheld that Art. 4 of the Protocol no. 7 of the European Convention of...
Abstract: In Ognyanov (judgment of 5 July 2016, case C-614/14), the Court of Justice held that Bulgarian courts have to set aside a national rule aimed at protecting fundamental rights of the parties that has the effect of automatically disqualifying a court that refers questions for a preliminary ruling along with the factual and legal...
Abstract: On 6 December 2016, the Supreme Court of Denmark delivered its judgment in the Ajos case (no. 15/2014, DI acting for Ajos A/S v. The estate left by A.). The Danish Court surprisingly disregarded the guidelines provided by the Court of Justice in its preliminary ruling of April 19, 2016. With its decision, the Supreme...
Abstract: The EU-Turkey Statement has undergone multiple analyses regarding issues of human rights and refugee law. One of the most controversial matters among scholars is its nature as an international agreement. This insight will analyse the legal nature of this statement, on the basis of the international law of treaties, the law of international...
Abstract: This Insight analyses the decisions in Miller et al. v. Secretary of State for exiting the European Union (UK High Court, judgment of 3 November 2016, [2016] EWHC 2768 (Admin); UK Supreme Court, judgment of 24 January 2017, [2017] UKSC 5) focusing on the constitutional implications of the Brexit for the United Kingdom and...
À chaque génération sa vision de l’intégration européenne, mais peut-être aussi des institutions et du droit qui l’accompagnent. Passée l’euphorie des premières années, voire des premières décennies, l’Union semble engluée dans une crise perpétuelle, dont la jeune génération a été le témoin privilégié. Elle est aussi celle qui bénéficie des politiques de l’Union, tel Erasmus...
Keywords: non-discrimination – religious symbols – Islamic veil – labour relations – directive 2000/78/EC – discrimination grounded on religion or belief.
Nella causa Achbita,[1] la Grande Chambre della Corte di giustizia ha emanato una sentenza...