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Quaderni europei ha il piacere di annunciare la pubblicazione dei seguenti Insights e Highlights sul...
Quaderni europei ha il piacere di annunciare la pubblicazione dei seguenti Insights e Highlights sul...
Quaderni europei ha il piacere di annunciare che il suo fascicolo n. 1 del volume 9, 2024 è ora disponibile on-line....
Quaderni europei ha il piacere di annunciare che il suo fascicolo n. 3 del volume 8, 2023 è ora disponibile on-line....
European Papers is pleased to announce the launch of a Special Focus on 'La directive 2000/78/CE au cœur de la politique sociale et des valeurs de l’UE. Les enjeux de l’arrêt J.K c TP S.A', edited by...
Quaderni europei ha il piacere di annunciare che il suo fascicolo n. 2 del volume 8, 2023 è ora disponibile on-line....
Abstract: Free access to a copy of personal data included in a medical record is guaranteed under EU law. The legal basis, scope and reach of this right were addressed for the first time by the European Court of Justice in F.T. v D.W. The case triggers a number of considerations on the protection offered to individuals, and most notably...
Abstract: Until recently, it would have been tautological to say that the question of assessing independence did not arise when the preliminary ruling instrument was activated by a national judge: judges in the Member States were presumed to be independent. However, in the context of the rule of law backsliding, with the adoption of national laws...
Abstract: Access to justice in environmental matters is one of the three pillars of the Aarhus Convention, to which both the EU and its Member States are Parties. In the Convention, access to justice is subdivided into four limbs. Art. 9(3) contains the general obligation of access to review procedures for the public of acts and omissions of private...
Abstract: In case T-65/18 RENV Venezuela v Council the General Court was confronted with the question of the legality under international law of the EU’s restrictive measures against Venezuela. The judgment is of particular importance as it feeds into the burgeoning discussion regarding the juridical nature, and lawfulness, of EU...
Abstract: In 2019 the EU Commission launched the ambitious so-called European Green Deal, a set of proposals aimed to revise and update EU legislation and to put in place new initiatives with the goal to ensure that EU policies are in line with climate and SDGs goals. To reach the targets set out by the EU institutions, a crucial role is attributed...
Abstract: The European Union has always concluded international agreements with third countries and international organisations as an integral component of its external action. In contrast to its predecessors, the Treaty of Lisbon introduced a uniform procedural framework for the negotiation and conclusion of international agreements in art. 218...
Abstract: The current Insight analyses the judgment of the European Court of Justice in Case C-551/21, which upheld the Commission's claim regarding its right to exercise the external act of treaty signature. The decision sheds light on the signature procedure outlined in art. 218 TFEU and adds to previous cases, clarifying the proper...
Abstract: The judgment in Stadt Duisburg, concerning the loss of German (and, thus, EU) citizenship in the context of naturalization proceedings, adds a new chapter to the “judicial saga” of loss of a Member State’s citizenship and compatibility of its national measures with EU law. This Insight focuses on such a case-law of the...