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Quaderni europei ha il piacere di annunciare che il suo fascicolo n. 3 del volume 1, 2016 è ora disponibile online.
Quaderni europei ha il piacere di annunciare che il suo fascicolo n. 3 del volume 1, 2016 è ora disponibile online.
Abstract: Throughout the years the principle of mutual recognition and the underlying principle of mutual trust have greatly contributed to the EU integration process. The recent migration and terrorist crises that have stroke the Union and its Member States with full force have placed the individual and the respect for fundamental rights in the...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Protection of fundamental rights in the EU: opinion 2/13 of the CJEU. – III. Case-law of the CJEU and the European Court of Human Rights. – III.1. Civil and commercial cooperation. – III.2. Child abduction: The Hague Convention on Child Abduction and Regulation 2201/2003. – III.3. Common European Asylum...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Horizontal federalism in the US. – II.1. Full faith and credit. – II.2. Extradition. – II.3. Interstate commerce. – II.4. Interstate compacts. – III. Horizontal federalism in the EU: mutual recognition. – III.1. Constitutional principle by accident? – III.2. Apogee and after. – III.3. Mutual recognition...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The conditionality of mutual trust in EU criminal law. – II.1. From presumption to conditionality. – II.2. The fundamental right’s condition for mutual trust in criminal matters. – II.3. Condition without control? – III. “Trust is good, control is better”: the judicial refutability of mutual trust. – IV...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Mutual recognition and mutual trust: unattainable stars in the sky? – III. Set on a collision course: the limits of mutual recognition and mutual trust. – IV. Meteor approaching! Fundamental rights and the European arrest warrant. – V. Set on a collision course: from N.S. to the recent case-law...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. “Support is our mission”: a critical assessment of EASO’s mandate and resources. – II.1. EASO’s mandate: areas of involvement and limitations. – II.2. EASO’s resources: a paper tiger? – III. Operational support: from expert consultants towards an integrated EU administration? – III.1. EASO operational...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. A missing piece: throughput legitimacy. – III. Issues of representation.
Abstract: Carol Harlow provides us with a nuanced and sophisticated assessment of the development of the EU’s formal lawmaking processes and their legitimacy implications. She...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. A complete system of judicial protection, also in the sphere of the CFSP? – III. In search of the limits of the jurisdictional carve-out: in defence of the ECJ’s incremental approach. – IV. Looking forward: towards a comprehensive approach. – IV.1. A reading of Art. 275 TFEU...
Table of contents: I. Introduction. – II. The constitutional life of mutual trust. – III. Of regulatory trust and mutual recognition. – III.1. Clarifying the invisibility of mutual trust. – III.2. The normativity of regulatory trust. – IV. Adopting or rejecting the level of protection of the other. – IV.1. Mutual recognition and the conundrum...
Table of Contents: I. Setting the scene. – II. Analysis of the legal framework set out in EU investment agreements. – III. The role of the claimant and of the arbitral tribunal: is there a possibility to set aside the determination of the respondent made by the EU? – IV. The regulation on financial responsibility. – V. Conclusions.
Astonishment seized Europe when, at the beginning of October 2016, Viktor Orban organised a referendum that explicitly aimed at violating EU law. On Thursday 27 October, the three-month deadline the Commission had imposed upon Poland to address what it saw as systemic threats against the rule of law in the country, expired.[1]...
Table of Contents: I. The Brexit Judgment. – II. The role of Parliament in Brexit. – III. Conclusion.
Abstract: On 24 January 2017, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom has decided that the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom cannot serve notice under Article 50 TEU that the UK wishes to leave...
Abstract: Since 2009, austerity and the pressure for decreasing public spending in Europe have strongly targeted welfare services such as transport, healthcare, social services, culture and education, etc. In order to understand the current situation of welfare services in Europe today, one must take a step back and look at the broader development...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. The role of the ECHR in the interpretation of the Charter. – III. The role of international instruments other than the European Convention. – IV. The interpretation given by the relevant treaty body. – V. The effects of international instruments on the level of protection.
Table of Contents: I. The EEA as an alternative post-Brexit? – II. Approaching the challenge of dynamic homogeneity. – III. Legislative sovereignty. – IV. Judicial sovereignty. – V. Changes in the EU Treaties. – VI. Conclusions.
Abstract: During the period leading to the actual Brexit, the UK will have to negotiate new arrangements for...
Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – I.1. Structure and aims of the analysis. – I.2. Public services, strategic industries and socio-economic protectionism: solidarity within the EU and the scope of free movement rules vis-à-vis EU and non-EU investors. – II. Intra-EU investments and golden shares. – II.1. Public services, social...
Table of Contents: I. Controversy around Germany's renewable energy act. – II. Two questions, one answer: the EEG as State aid. – II.1. The State aid nature of the EEG surcharge. – II.2. The exemptions for electricity-intensive undertakings. – III. Distinguishing PreussenElektra AG v. Schleswag AG. – IV. Towards the...
Keywords: EU staff – pre-litigation procedure – admissibility – plea of illegality – rule of correspondence – amicable settlement.
On 27 October 2016, the Extended Composition of the Appeal Chamber of the GC rendered the judgment in ECB v. Cerafogli.[1]...
Abstract: The Insight considers the case law of the Court of Justice concerning the notion of “finally disposed”, i.e. a constitutive element of the European ne bis in idem principle. In order to trigger the right not to be tried or punished twice, a national decision must be final and has to contain a sufficient determination of...