- 940 lectures
Vigjilenca Abazi, Trade Secrets and Whistleblower Protection in the European Union
Davide Arcidiacono, The Trade Secrets Directive in the International Legal Framework
Francesco Bestagno, Il “battesimo del fuoco” della direttiva sui prodotti del tabacco, tra esigenze di armonizzazione e di tutela della salute pubblica
Gloria Fernández Arribas, The EU-Turkey Agreement: A Controversial Attempt at Patching up a Major Problem
Asier Garrido-Muñoz, License to Presume: The Compatibility Between the European Convention of Human Rights and Security Council Resolutions in Al-Dulimi and Montana Management Inc v. Switzerland
Lorenzo Gasbarri, Al-Dulimi and Competing Concepts of International Organizations
Costanza Honorati, L’accordo per il Tribunale unificato dei brevetti: quali prospettive dopo la ratifica italiana e la Brexit?
Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, Has the Commission Taken Too Big a Bite of the Apple?
Matteo Manfredi, Tasse ambientali sugli autoveicoli e divieto di imposizioni interne discriminatorie nella sentenza Budişan
Caterina Mariotti, Theory and Practice of Emissions Trading in the European Union: Some Reflections on Allowance Allocation in Light of the DK Recycling Case
Alberto Miglio, The Regulation on the Provision of Emergency Support Within the Union: Humanitarian Assistance and Financial Solidarity in the Refugee Crisis
Stefano Montaldo, A New Crack in the Wall of Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust: Ne Bis in Idem and the Notion of Final Decision Determining the Merits of the Case
Jenny Poon, EU-Turkey Deal: Violation of, or Consistency with, International Law?
Giulia Rossolillo, Changement volontaire du nom, titres nobiliaires et ordre public: l’arrêt Bogendorff von Wolffersdorff
Yole Tanghe, Copyright Protection in the Digital Era: Hyperlinking and the Right of Communication to the Public. The GS Media Case
Thomas Verellen, On Conferral, Institutional Balance and Non-binding International Agreements: The Swiss MoU Case
Daniela Vitiello, Du vin vieux dans de nouvelles outres? Réflexions sur la proposition de règlement “Dublin IV”
Emanuele Cimiotta, La prima volta per la procedura di controllo sul rispetto dei valori dell'Unione prevista dall'art. 7 TUE? Alcune implicazioni per l'integrazione europea
Giulia D'Agnone, Illegal State Aids and Multinational Companies: The European Commission Decision on the Apple – Ireland Tax Ruling
Gareth Davies, Representing the People vs Channelling Them: Constitutional Niceties in an Age of Instant Democratic Gratification
Gloria Fernández Arribas, Restricciones a la libre circulación de capitals mediante beneficios fiscales en materia de sucesiones
Romain Foucart, Précisions sur la gestion du système européen d’échange de quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre
Severin Klinkmüller, The Company You Keep: The Court of Justice Confirms Sanctions Against Persons Associated with Zimbabwe Regime
Simon Labayle, Respect des valeurs de l’Union européenne en Pologne: première application du nouveau cadre pour renforcer l’État de droit
Maura Marchegiani, Condizione di precarietà ed incertezza dei richiedenti protezione internazionale al vaglio della Corte europea dei diritti umani: in margine al caso B.A.C. c. Grecia
Stefano Montaldo, Integration Through Residence Conditions? The Beneficiaries of Subsidiary Protection Confronted with the Janus-faced National Integration Policies
Stian Øby Johansen, H. v. Council et Al. – A Minor Expansion of the CJEU’s Jurisdiction Over the CFSP
Massimo Francesco Orzan, A New Derogation to the Admissibility of an Application in Staff Cases: The Cerafogli Judgment
Ramses A. Wessel, The EU Solution to Deal with the Dutch Referendum Result on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
European Papers, Vol. 1, 2016, No 3, European Forum, pp. 1061-1063
ISSN 2499-8249