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- 763 lectures
Eve Buland, Sensibilité(s) européenne(s) et sensibilité animale: l’affaire Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België e a.
Giacomo Di Federico, When Medical Treatment and Religious Beliefs Intersect: The Case of Veselibas Ministrija
Francesco Luigi Gatta, Politica dei visti e stato di diritto: il difficile equilibrio tra sovranità e garanzie procedurali nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia
Theodora Gazi, The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Supporting or Constraining Rights of Vulnerable Groups?
Zlatina Georgieva, The Digital Markets Act Proposal of the European Commission: Ex-ante Regulation, Infused with Competition Principles
Silvia Giudici, Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Berlin: A Further Development of Extradition Rules of Union Citizens to Third Countries
Lena Hehemann, Religious Slaughtering, a Stunning Matter: Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others
Costanza Honorati, La prima decisione sul Regolamento Roma III e la legge italiana sul divorzio: le difficoltà del giudice straniero il cui ordinamento non conosca l’istituto della separazione legale
Niels Kirst, Rule of Law Conditionality: The Long-awaited Step Towards a Solution of the Rule of Law Crisis in the European Union?
Dion Kramer, On the Futility of Expelling Poor Union Citizens in an Open Border Europe
Agne Limante, The E.E. Decision Sheds Light on Notaries Acting as "Courts" and on a Few Other Notions Within the Context of the Succession Regulation
Nigel Lowe QC (Hon), The Application of Art. 10 of Brussels II-Bis to Children Abducted Out of the EU: The Last UK Reference on Family Law?
Leandro Mancano, The Use of the Charter and Pre-trial Detention in EU Law: Constraints and Possibilities for Better Protection of the Right to Liberty
Bruno Nascimbene, Carta dei diritti fondamentali, applicabilità e rapporti fra giudici: la necessità di una tutela integrata
Sara Poli, The UK as a Third Country: The Current Model of Cooperation with the European Union in the Adoption of Restrictive Measures
Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf, Defining the Boundaries of the Future Common European Asylum System with the Help of Hungary?
Sophia Rovelli, Case Prokuratuur: Proportionality and the Independence of Authorities in Data Retention
Kate Shaw and Pavel Repyeuski, Council Recommendation for Promoting Cooperation and Solidarity Amongst the Member States: A Far Enough Step?
Isabel Staudinger, The Court of Justice’s Self-restraint of Reviewing Financial Assistance Conditionality in the Chrysostomides Case
Thomas Verellen, In the Name of the Rule of Law? CJEU Further Extends Jurisdiction in CFSP (Bank Refah Kargaran)
Mattia Colli Vignarelli, The European Commission Trade Policy Review: The Effectiveness of Sustainable Development Chapters in EU FTAs
Rebecca Zahn, Does Stand-by Time Count as Working Time? The Court of Justice Gives Guidance in DJ v Radiotelevizija Slovenija and RJ v Stadt Offenbach am Main
European Papers, Vol. 6, 2021, No 1, European Forum, pp.?-?
ISSN 2499-8249