- 878 lectures
Paolo Bruno, Navigating Art. 218 TFEU: Third States’ Accession to International Conventions and the Position of the EU in This Respect
Alina Carrozzini, Working Its Way Back to International Law? The General Court’s Judgments in Joined Cases T-344/19 and T-356/19 and T-279/19 Front Polisario v Council
Jean-Pierre Cassarino, An Unsettling Déjà-vu: The May 2021 Ceuta Events
Marcella Cometti, La “strumentalizzazione” delle persone migranti: la risposta dell’Unione europea e la reazione lituana a confronto. Un’occasione per riflettere (anche) sull’operato dell’Agenzia dell’UE per l’asilo
Diletta Danieli, Il commercio parallelo di farmaci tra libera circolazione delle merci e prospettive evolutive nell’ambito della nuova Strategia farmaceutica per l’Europa
Ilaria Gambardella, JY v Wiener Landesregierung: Adding Another Stone to the Case Law Built Up by the CJEU on Nationality and EU Citizenship
Aurélie Laurent, Face aux déconvenues du contentieux climatique de l’Union européenne, les droits fondamentaux au secours du climat?
Justin Lindeboom, Thelen Technopark and the Legal Effects of the Services Directive in Purely Internal and Horizontal Disputes
Imelda Maher, The CILFIT Criteria Clarified and Extended for National Courts of Last Resort Under Art. 267 TFEU
Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, Jurisdiction Concerning Actions by a Legal Person for Disparaging Statements on the Internet: The Persistence of the Mosaic Approach
Roila Mavrouli, The Dark Relationship Between the Rule of Law and Liberalism. The New ECJ Decision on the Conditionality Regulation
Edoardo Muratori, Ernests Bernis (Appeal) and Judicial Review by the CJEU of Non-Resolution Decisions in the EU Banking Union: No Standing for the Shareholders of the Relevant Entity
Eva Pander Maat, Leading by Example, Ideas or Coercion? The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism as a Case of Hybrid EU Climate Leadership
Gabriella Perotto, Il Green Deal europeo e il sistema delle risorse proprie
Sabrina Robert, Un mécanisme d’ajustement carbone aux frontières compatible avec le droit de l’OMC: une gageure
Alessandro Rosanò, La Procura della Repubblica tra rinvio pregiudiziale ed esecuzione dell’ordine europeo di indagine penale: considerazioni relative alla causa XK
Freya Schramm, Judges as Narrators of the Climate Crisis? An Illustrative Analysis of the Decision of the German Constitutional Court from 24 March 2021
Chiara Scissa, Misure emergenziali al confine tra UE e Bielorussia: uno scontro tra 'titani' con gravi ripercussioni per i migranti
Daniela Vitiello, The Nansen Passport and the EU Temporary Protection Directive: Reflections on Solidarity, Mobility Rights and the Future of Asylum in Europe
Maria Eugenia Bartoloni, First-Ever EU Funding of Lethal Weapons: 'Another Taboo Has (Lawfully) Fallen'
Anna Nowak-Salles, Tempus and Two Visions of the Required Level of Diligence in State Aid Assessment
European Papers, Vol. 7, 2022, No 1, European Forum
ISSN 2499-8249