European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 8, 2023, No 2

The Value of Democracy in EU Law and Its Enforcement: A Legal Analysis
Yasmine Bouzoraa
The Ne Bis in Idem Principle in the Age of Balancing
Giorgio Ardizzone
The EU Green Deal and the Transformations of the European Administrative System: Does the "Epistemic Leadership" of the Scientific Advisory Board Push the Agency Model over the Sunset Boulevard?
Andrea Giorgi
Future-proof Regulation and Enforcement for the Digitalised Age
edited by Gavin Robinson, Sybe de Vries and Bram Duivenvoorde
Introduction: Future-proof Regulation and Enforcement for the Digitalised Age
Gavin Robinson, Sybe de Vries and Bram Duivenvoorde
Internal Market 3.0: The Old "New Approach" for Harmonising AI Regulation
Sybe de Vries, Olia Kanevskaia, Rik de Jager
Market Power and the GDPR: Can Consent Given to Dominant Companies Ever Be Freely Given?
Alessia Sophia D’Amico
Consumer Protection in the Age of Personalised Marketing: Is EU Law Future-proof?
Bram Duivenvoorde
Digital Detectives: A Research Agenda for Consumer Forensics
Catalina Goanta
Regulation of Crypto-assets in the EU: Future-proofing the Regulation of Innovation in Digital Finance
Nikita Divissenko
Digital Libraries Under EU Copyright Law: A Relationship Set in Stone?
Vicky Breemen
Targeted Retention of Communications Metadata: Future-proofing the Fight Against Serious Crime in Europe
Gavin Robinson
The Externalisation of EU Migration Policies in Light of EU Constitutional Principles and Values
edited by Juan Santos Vara, Paula García Andrade and Tamás Molnár
The Externalisation of EU Migration Policies in Light of EU Constitutional Principles and Values: Reconciling the Irreconcilable? An Introduction to the Special Section
Juan Santos Vara, Paula García Andrade and Tamás Molnár
EU External Cooperation on Migration: In Search of the Treaty Principles
Tineke Strik
The Informalisation of EU Readmission Policy: Eclipsing Human Rights Protection Under the Shadow of Informality and Conditionality
Eleonora Frasca and Emanuela Roman
Tackling Migration Externally Through the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy: A Question of Legal Basis
Paula García Andrade
The Activities of Frontex on the Territory of Third Countries: Outsourcing Border Controls Without Human Rights Limits?
Juan Santos Vara
EU Member States’ Responsibility Under International Law for Breaching Human Rights When Cooperating with Third Countries on Migration: Grey Zones of Law in Selected Scenarios
Tamás Molnár
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

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