The (Im)possibility of a CFSP “Internal Solution”


Table of Contents: I. Introduction – II. The main options considered by the negotiators – II.1. Introduction – II.2. A “reattribution mechanism” to ensure that EU Member States are exclusively responsible for CFSP conduct outside the scope of CJEU jurisdiction – II.3. An “interpretative declaration” to extend the CJEU’s jurisdiction over the CFSP –...

The Revised Draft Agreement on the Accession of the EU to the ECHR: Third Time’s a Charm?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Preparing the ground for another attempt? The judicial dialogue between the CJEU and ECtHR since Opinion 2/13 – III. Negotiating the Revised Draft Accession Agreement. – IV. Appraising the Revised Draft Accession Agreement. - V. Conclusion.


The EEA Agreement as a Jack-in-the-box in the Relationship Between the CJEU and the European Court of Human Rights?


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Attribution of conduct and the European Court of Human Rights case-law on international organisations. – II.1. European Court of Human Rights review of MS-attributed conduct. – II.2. European Court of Human Rights review of IO-attributed conduct. – III. The European Court of Human Rights’ first stab at the...

Suing the European Union in the UK: Tomanović et. al. v. the European Union et. al.


Abstract: In its judgment of 13 February 2019 in the case of Tomanović v. the European Union, the English High Court of Justice dismissed several claims based on human rights violations by EULEX Kosovo. Although the High Court’s dismissal was ultimately based on the lacking incorporation of the Treaty provisions on the Common...

H. v. Council et Al. – A Minor Expansion of the CJEU’s Jurisdiction Over the CFSP


Keywords: CJEU – Common Foreign and Security Policy – seconded staff – jurisdiction – attribution – European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EUPM bih).

On 19 July 2016 the Grand Chamber of the CJEU issued its judgment in case C-455/14 P, H. v. Council et al....


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