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Prof. Juan Santos Vara (Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Action, University of Salamanca) and Prof. Ramses A. Wessel (University of Twente and Centre for the Law of EU External Relations - CLEER) organise a Workshop on the EU External Relations after Brexit - Implications under EU and International Law. It will take place at the Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Salamanca, on 7-8 March 2019.
The Workshop will analyse and discuss the applicable rules of both EU and international law in relation to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. It will focus on the impact of the withdrawal agreement and the arrangement for the future EU-UK relations on the existing external relations regime of the European Union. Ever since the notification of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the European Union, legal scholarship has pointed to a variety of complex legal problems. While the focus has clearly been on the ways in which the UK could remain connected to the EU, the consequences for the EU’s (and the UK’s) external relations regime are equally complex. Both EU external relations law and international law have something to say about the problems that still need to be solved and the ones that can be expected on the basis of the new arrangements.
Interested researchers (in every stage of their careers) should submit an English abstract of around 500 words (approximately one page) addressing the conference theme at savajuan@usal.es no later than 30 November 2018. Paper proposals will be subject to a strict selection. The selection of the papers will be communicated to the speakers by the end of December 2018.
Confirmed participants are expected to provide complete drafts of their papers of around 8000 words no later than 1 March 2019.
For further details, see the full Call for Papers and the Jean Monnet Chair's website.
See, also, European Papers - European Forum - Special Focus on Brexit.