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In 2018 the University of Salamanca will celebrate its eighth centenary. This Workshop forms part of a wider set of international conferences and events that will be organised on that occasion in Salamanca focused on current international challenges. The event will focus on the main issues and challenges inherent to the intersection between EU migration, borders and asylum policies and foreign affairs: the so-called "external dimensions of EU migration policies". It seeks to assess the implications of the main EU legislative and policy instruments adopted in the context of third country cooperation on migration. The implications for other EU policies, such as development cooperation, common commercial policy or CSDP will also be taken into account.
The event aims at providing a unique opportunity for discussing whether the external dimension of migration can contribute to ensure a fair, effective and rule of law-complying policies.The event is jointly organised between the Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Action of the University of Salamanca and the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS, Brussels).
Venue: Faculty of Law, University of Salamanca.
Conference Programme
Further information and Conference Registration Form