- 954 reads
Matteo Aranci, I recenti interventi della Corte di giustizia a tutela della rule of law in relazione alla crisi polacca
Giacomo Biagioni, Jurisdiction in Matters of Parental Responsibility Between Legal Certainty and Children’s Fundamental Rights
Lena Hehemann, Religious Slaughtering and Organic Labels: Œuvre d’assistance aux bêtes d’abattoirs
Eva Kassoti, The Empire Strikes Back: The Council Decision Amending Protocols 1 and 4 to the EU-Morocco Association Agreement
Dimitry Kochenov, The Tjebbes Fail
Andrea Longo, Cordella et al. v. Italy: Industrial Emissions and Italian Omissions Under Scrutiny
Stian Øby Johansen, Suing the European Union in the UK: Tomanović et. al. v. the European Union et. al.
Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf, Asylum and Return: The Gnandi Case, or a Clarification of the Right to an Effective Remedy
Alessandro Rosanò, La verità, vi prego, sul criterio del creditore privato: Commissione c. FIH Holding e FIH Erhvervsbank
Edoardo Stoppioni, Une analyse critique de l’arrêt Coman: déconstruction de la consécration de l’obligation de reconnaissance du droit de séjour du conjoint homosexuel
Francesca Strumia, The Family in EU Law After the SM Ruling: Variable Geometry and Conditional Deference
Johannes Ungerer, Consequences of Brexit for European Private International Law
Martijn van den Brink, Bold, but Without Justification? Tjebbes
Gloria Fernández Arribas, The Aletho Judgement: UNRWA Protection as Grounds for Exclusion from Refugee Status and Inadmissibility of an Application for International Protection
European Papers, Vol. 4, 2019, No 1, European Forum, pp. 269-419
ISSN 2499-8249