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European Papers is glad to announce the publication of the following contributions in the next issues of the e-Journal.
...European Papers is glad to announce the publication of the following contributions in the next issues of the e-Journal.
...European Papers is glad to announce the publication of the following Insights and Highlights on the...
European Papers is pleased to announce that the ReCLEI Workshop "The European Union and Climate Change: Policies, Regulation, and Access to Justice" will be held at the at Unitelma Sapienza...
European Papers is pleased to announce that its Issue No 2 in the Volume 9, 2024 is now available on-line....
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JM-CoE) Research Centre for the Law of European Integration (ReCLEI) is pleased to announce the launch of a call for papers in view of the upcoming workshop “The European Union and Climate Change...
Abstract: The increasing reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) to set market prices, especially in digital markets, has led to the threat of algorithmic collusion, where pricing algorithms align market behavior among competitors without explicit human agreement. This Insight examines the implications of such practices, highlighting the...
Abstract: On 4 October 2024, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued a landmark judgment that adds significant depth to the interpretation of the GDPR, especially concerning its interplay with unfair competition law and the concept of “special categories of personal data”. After analysing the facts of the case and the ECJ’s...
Abstract: There is an ongoing academic discussion on the concept of smart and targeted sanctions, suggesting that these measures should be tailored, allow for humanitarian exemptions, and include an accessible de-listing procedure for designated subjects, among other criteria. However, a question arises as to whether the concept of smart sanctions...
Keywords: EU judges' appointment procedure – “255 Committee” – judicial independence – art. 19 TEU – art. 254 TFEU – judicial review.
In its judgment of 29 July 2024, delivered in the Valančius case,[1] the Court of Justice ruled, for the first time, on the limits that...
Abstract: The Advocate General’s Opinion in Commission in Commission v Malta is a useful opinion. Not because it is correct but because it highlights the central issue at stake in the case: the question of mutual recognition and its implications. The automatic mutual recognition of Member State nationality found in Micheletti has...
Abstract: KS and KD is a judgment where the European Court of Justice finds it has jurisdiction to hear actions for damages caused by the European Union’s (EU) civilian missions or military operations. It is the first time that this has happened. Although not entirely surprising, the finding of jurisdiction contributes to a growing line of...
Abstract: Free access to a copy of personal data included in a medical record is guaranteed under EU law. The legal basis, scope and reach of this right were addressed for the first time by the European Court of Justice in F.T. v D.W. The case triggers a number of considerations on the protection offered to individuals, and most notably...
Abstract: Until recently, it would have been tautological to say that the question of assessing independence did not arise when the preliminary ruling instrument was activated by a national judge: judges in the Member States were presumed to be independent. However, in the context of the rule of law backsliding, with the adoption of national laws...