European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 7, 2022, No 1

Convulsive Direct Effect?
The Externalisation of the EU’s Cybersecurity Regime: The Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox
Yuliya Miadzvetskaya and Ramses A. Wessel
Comparing the Practice of Accession to and Withdrawal from the European Union: Commonalities in Principles and Procedures?
Marco Evola
Interpretation in EU Multilingual Law
Boyan Bahanov
European Institutions Acting Outside the EU Legal Order: The Impact of the Euro Crisis on the EU’s "Single Institutional Framework"
Flore Vanackère and Yuliya Kaspiarovich
The EU’s Shifting Borders Reconsidered: Externalisation, Constitutionalisation, and Administrative Integration
edited by Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, Andrea Ott and Zvezda Vankova
The EU’s Shifting Borders Reconsidered: Externalisation, Constitutionalisation, and Administrative Integration
Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, Andrea Ott and Zvezda Vankova
The External Dimension of the EU Immigration and Asylum Policies Before the Court of Justice
Paula García Andrade
Judicial Interactions on the European Return Directive: Shifting Borders and the Constitutionalisation of Irregular Migration Governance
Galina Cornelisse and Madalina Moraru
The EU Readmission Policy to the Test of Subsidiarity and Institutional Balance: Framing the Exercise of a Peculiar Shared Competence
Caterina Molinari
The Next Phase of The European Border and Coast Guard: Responsibility for Returns and Push-backs in Hungary and Greece
Mariana Gkliati
Frontex’s Consultative Forum and Fundamental Rights Protection: Enhancing Accountability Through Dialogue?
Chiara Loschi and Peter Slominski
Fundamental Rights Violations in the Hotspots: Who Is Watching over Them?
Sarah Tas
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

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