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The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JM-CoE) Research Centre for the Law of European Integration (ReCLEI) is pleased to announce the launch of a call for papers in view of the upcoming workshop “The European Union and Climate Change: Policies, Regulation, and Access to Justice”, to be held at the University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza on December 12th, 2024.
Climate change poses challenges of unprecedented nature and scale to the European Union and its Member States, ranging from the evident environmental consequences to the far-reaching economic and social repercussions. Its inherently transnational nature calls for coordinated action at supranational level, and the European Union has indeed undertaken several actions in the field over recent years, encompassing both regulatory and financial instruments addressing the impact of climate change. In addition, the mobilisation of individuals and environmental NGOs seeking climate justice has brought to increasing litigation before the Court of Justice of the European Union, as well as before domestic and international tribunals, exposing the procedural and substantive hurdles hindering access to justice in the field. Furthermore, the recent ruling of the ECtHR in Verein Klimaseniorinnen Schweiz, which highlights the profound impact of climate change on human rights, may significantly influence the EU’s climate policy framework and catalyse a wave of rights-based strategic litigation within the EU.
Against this background, the scientific committee welcomes proposals on topics falling within the scope of the workshop, including but not limited to the followings:
1. Climate change and EU competences: the integration of climate objectives across EU policies and the role of horizontal clauses (Article 11 TFEU).
2. The impact of the European Green Deal on EU internal policies and external action.
3. The EU budget and climate change between Next Generation EU and the next Multiannual Financial Framework.
4. The climate responsibility of business enterprises under EU law: the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and beyond.
5. The procedural and substantive hurdles to climate justice: legal standing, jurisdiction, causal link, and damages.
6. Climate change and human rights: the interplay between ECHR and EU law in the aftermath of Verein Klimaseniorinnen Schweiz.
7. The impact of the ECHR and EU law on national remedies in climate matters.
8. The Aarhus Convention and EU law after the 2021 revision of the Aarhus Regulation: access to information, public participation in decision-making, and access to justice.
Submission and selection process
Interested scholars should submit an English abstract (max 750 words), together with a short bio or resumé, to events@europeanpapers.eu by October 20th, 2024. Please include your name, e-mail and affiliation along with the abstract. Successful applicants, who will be notified by e-mail by the end of October, are expected to provide a short conference paper by December 2nd, 2024 (max 6.000 words).
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a Special Section of European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration or in an edited volume with an international publisher.
Travel costs and accommodation
The JM-CoE ReCLEI will cover travel costs and accommodation for successful applicants.
Contacts and information
For further information on the call for papers and the upcoming workshop, please contact events@europeanpapers.eu.
More information on the activities promoted by the JM-CoE Research Centre for the Law of European Integration are available here.