Enhancing Economic and Social Rights Within the Internal Market Through Recognition of the Horizontal Effects of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights


Table of Contents: I. Economic and social rights and the European integration process. – II. Promoting economic and social rights within the internal market through the recognition of horizontal effects of the Charter: limits and caveats. – III. New challenges in the promotion of economic and social rights through the Charter’s effects in horizontal...

Tasse ambientali sugli autoveicoli e divieto di imposizioni interne discriminatorie nella sentenza Budisan


Abstract: In its judgment of 9 June 2016, the ECJ ruled on the consistency with Art. 110 TFEU of environmental stamp duties, the Romanian tax on pollutant emissions, with reference to fiscal neutrality as between second-hand motor vehicles imported from other Member States and similar motor vehicles available on the domestic market. The Court...


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