- letto 629 volte
Insights and Highlights
Giulio Fedele, A Country, but not a State? The Apparent Paradox of International Statehood in Case C-632/20 P, Spain v Commission (Kosovo)
Lorenzo Grossio and Margherita Rosi, The Ultimate (but not the Only) Remedy for Securing Fundamental Rights in the EAW System? Some Reflections on Puig Gordi and E. D. L.
Sara Guidi, Before the Gatekeeper Sits the Law. The Digital Markets Act's Regulation of Information Control
EU Strategic Autonomy and Technological Sovereignty
edited by Charlotte Beaucillon and Sara Poli
Charlotte Beaucillon, Strategic Autonomy: A New Identity for the EU as a Global Actor
Charlotte Beaucillon and Sara Poli, Special Focus on EU Strategic Autonomy and Technological Sovereignty: An Introduction
Sara Poli, Reinforcing Europe's Technological Sovereignty Through Trade Measures: The EU and Member States' Shared Sovereignty
Cécile Rapoport, Setting Norms and Promoting a Rules-based International Legal Order: Enhancing Strategic Autonomy Through the Autonomy of the EU Order
Lorenza Mola, Fostering ‘European Technological Sovereignty’ Through the CSDP: Conceptual and Legal Challenges. First Reflections Around the 2022 Strategic Compass
Gabriella Perotto, The Legal Framework of the EU Defence Industry and the Pursuit of Strategic Autonomy
Chiara Cellerino, EU Space Policy and Strategic Autonomy: Tackling Legal Complexities in the Enhancement of the ‘Security and Defence Dimension of the Union in Space'
Elaine Fahey, Does the EU's Digital Sovereignty Promote Localisation in Its Model Digital Trade Clauses?
Sabrina Robert, Foreign Investment Control Procedures as a Tool for Enforcing EU Strategic Autonomy
Instrumentalisation of Migrants, Sanctions Tackling Hybrid Attacks and Schengen Reform in the Shadows of the Pact
edited by Daniela Vitiello and Stefano Montaldo
Mariana Gkliati, Let’s Call It what It Is: Hybrid Threats and Instrumentalisation as the Evolution of Securitisation in Migration Management
The Russian War Against Ukraine and the Law of the European Union
edited by Charlotte Beaucillon, Teresa Cabrita, Melanie Fink, Stefano Montaldo and Jed Odermatt
Francesca Capone, The Wave of Russian Attacks on Ukraine’s Power Infrastructures: An Opportunity to Infuse Meaningfulness into the Notion of 'Dual-use Objects'?
Luigi Lonardo, The European Political Community: A Nebulous Answer to the Strategic Question of How to Unite Europe
Stefania Rutigliano, Ukraine Conflict’s Impact on European Defence and Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Sylvain Thiéry, La protection temporaire de l'Union européenne en faveur des ressortissants ukrainiens: perspectives d’avenir après un an d’application
Elise Ruggeri Abonnat, Admission et protection des investissements étrangers à l’ère des sanctions européennes contre la Russie visant à protéger l’intégrité territoriale de l’Ukraine
Federica Favuzza, How Does Belligerent Occupation End? Some Reflections on the Future of the Territories Occupied in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
European Papers, Vol. 8, 2023, No 2, European Forum
ISSN 2499-8249