Seminar "Social Integration in EU Law: Contents, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion" (25 May 2018) – University of Turin


The international Seminar on "Social Integration in EU Law: Contents, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion" will take place on Friday 25 May 2018.

The Seminar is jointly promoted by the Law Department of the University of Turin, the Collegio Carlo Alberto, and the European Commission, within the framework of the MoveS...

Odysseus Annual Conference, "Conflict and Compromises between Law and Politics in EU Migration and Asylum Policies" (1st February 2018) – Université libre de Bruxelles


2017 has been marked by several rulings about crucial questions related to the European migration and asylum policies. The Court of Justice was called to rule on the most politically sensitive issues and delivered very controversial answers. Therefore, the 2018 Odysseus Annual Conference will focus...



In an earlier issue, European Papers hosted a comment by Eva Kassoti on the Court of Justice’s decision in case C-104/16 P, Council of the European Union v. Front Polisario.

The comment has triggered a number of reactions, some of which requesting that the critical points it made be counterbalanced by different views. Aware of the...



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