European Forum (European Papers, Vol. 9, 2024, No 1) European Papers 515 reads pdf version Insights and Highlights Guillermo Íñiguez, European Super League Company and the (New) Law of European Football Enzo Cannizzaro, The Spitzenkandidaten Method and the European Material Constitution Jens Kahrmann and Georg Leggewie, European Commission’s Plans for a Special Regulation of Plants Created by New Genomic Techniques Mariana Gkliati, Shaping the Joint Liability Landscape? The Broader Consequences of WS v Frontex for EU Law Hans Vedder, On Thin Ice: The Court’s Judgment in Case C-124/21 P, International Skating Union v Commission Anna Pirozzoli, The Human-centric Perspective in the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Felipe Tomazini de Souza, Who You Gonna Call? Insights from the ECJ’s Case C-551/21 on the Signature of International Agreements Francesco Luigi Gatta, The If and the How: Losing the EU Citizenship, but with Due Regard to the Due Process of (EU) Law Davide Genini, Breaking a Tradition: How Signing of Agreements Is No Longer a Matter for the Council Nicolò Andreotti, Is EU Investment Policy Fit for Promoting Sustainable Development? Insights from the EU-Angola SIFA Eva Kassoti, Beyond Collective Countermeasures and Towards an Autonomous External Sanctioning Power? The General Court’s Judgment in Case T-65/18 RENV, Venezuela v Council Mariolina Eliantonio and Justine Richelle, Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the EU Legal Order: The “Sectoral” Turn in Legislation and Its Pitfalls Miriana Lanotte, La chiusura del dialogo “giudice a giudice” come extrema ratio nella sentenza L.G. c Krajowa Rada Sadownictwa The Russian War Against Ukraine and the Law of the European Union edited by Charlotte Beaucillon, Teresa Cabrita, Melanie Fink, Stefano Montaldo and Jed Odermatt Alberto Vecchio, Changing the Flow: The European Response to the Russian Weaponization of Gas Mary Lambard, Les interventions des États membres de l’UE dans l’affaire Ukraine c Russie devant la CIJ Ludivine Luc, Nuances et limites de l’unité de l’UE dans sa réponse à l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie More Insights and Highlights... European Papers, 22.07.2024 | Posted in e-Journal