EP-JMN Summer School - "EU Values in Times of Crisis: Navigating Challenges and Upholding Unity" (20-23 June 2023) – University of Salamanca
European Papers Jean Monnet Network Summer School
EU Values in Times of Crisis: Navigating Challenges and Upholding Unity
20-23 June 2023 – Law School | University of Salamanca
Call for Applications
(only registered participants can attend the lectures)
(pdf version)
The values and principles enshrined in the EU Treaties and in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights are non-negotiable and sine qua non conditions for EU membership and accession to the EU. Article 2 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) identifies ‘human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights’ as key founding principles of the EU. Over the last few years, some EU Member States’ governments have engaged in nationalistic agendas that include the violation of the rule of law and anti-migration policies that have infringed the EU founding principles and values. However, the war in Ukraine has clearly illustrated the relevance of shared values and the enhanced security that common institutions can create.
The EP-JMN Summer Schools are mainly addressed to Master students, young scholars and researchers from all over the world. The previous editions of the EP-JMN Summer Schools took place at Sapienza University of Rome (2021) and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2022). The objective of the Salamanca EP-JMN Summer School is to make a substantial contribution to the interpretation of EU values in the current debate on the future of Europe by involving a high number of well-known academics, young researchers, PdD and Master students that will benefit from the presentations and debates with specialist in different fields.
The activity aims at offering conceptual tools for appraising controversial issues in times of contestation of EU values in different policy areas. The principles of the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights constitute a vital reference at all levels of the EU. The underlying idea is to explore how EU values develop not only internally but also in the external dimension of EU policies and actions. The Salamanca EP-JMN Summer School will thus address different but related topics.
To address these questions, the Salamanca EP-JMN Summer School lectures will focus on the digital space, migration and the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The Summer School will also analyse to what extent the EU’s ability to promote its values externally has been negatively impaired in recent years by the different crisis that have affected the EU integration process.
Lectures and exchanges are expected to provide a stimulating and challenging teaching and learning experience. In addition to the four days of lectures, participants will be offered the opportunity to be active members of the PhD workshops, a place in which they are invited to present (in English or Spanish) their research and to discuss it with more experienced scholars. Young researchers will also be given the chance to exchange and reflect on legal thesis methodologies.
The Salamnca EP-JMN Summer School is organized by the Law School of the University of Salamanca, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Network European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration , and with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project Reference: 610707-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-NETWORK).
Tuesday, 20 June 2023 – Digital Space
15:00-15:15 – Juan Santos Vara (University of Salamanca), Commencement addresses
15:15-16:30 – Fabien Terpan (Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA), The EU as a Global Actor: entrenched between values and interests
17:00-18:00 – Fabien Terpan (Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA), The Trans-Atlantic data privacy framework, safe harbor and privacy shield
Wednesday, 21 June 2023 – Digital Space & Migration
9:00-11:00 – Juan Jorge Piernas López (University of Murcia), The EU as a cibersecurity actor
11:30-13:30 – Federico Casolari (University of Bologna), The protection of the EU values in regulating artificial intelligence systems
15:00-16:30 – Alejandro del Valle Gálvez (University of Cadiz), The externalization of migration controls and European values
17:00-18:30 – Mario Savino (University of Tuscia), The approach to search and rescue in the Mediterranean sea: the quest for EU values
Thursday, 22 June 2023 – Migration & Common Foreign and Security Policy
9:00-11:00 – Natividad Fernández Sola (University of Zaragoza), Problems to restart relations with Russia after the war. An EU entrapped between values, transatlantic link and interests
11:30-13:00 – Enzo Cannizzaro (University of Rome La Sapienza), The impact of the war in Ukraine on EU values and principles
14:30-16:30 – Paula García Andrade (University of ICADE-Comillas), Coherence in the EU external action on migration
17:00-19:00 - PhD Workshops (working languages: English and Spanish)
Friday, 23 June 2023 – Common Foreign and Security Policy & Migration
9:00-11:00 – Ramses A. Wessel (University of Groningen), Towards effective decision-making in CFSP: from vetoes to voting
11:30-13:00 – Panos Koutrakos (City, University of London), The normalisation of Common Foreign and Security Policy
15:00-16:30 – Ségolène Barbou des Places (Panthéon-Sorbonne University), The value of dignity in the ECJ case law on migration
15:30-17:00 – Concluding event
Call for Applications
Who’s concerned?
Master students, PhD researchers and post-doctoral researchers are encouraged to apply for the Salamanca EP-JMN Summer School. Some prior knowledge of European law or EU institutions is useful, but a law degree is not required. Since all courses are taught in English, the applicant needs to be fluent in English to be able to understand the classes and to interact with fellow students and researchers.
Participants who will exchange on their own research during PhD Workshops can make a presentation in English or Spanish.
Upon successful completion of the Summer School in person participants will be awarded a certificate.
Local expenses covered
There is no tuition or registration fee for the Salamanca EP-JMN Summer School. The University of Salamanca will cover local expenses for selected participants, including all meals and accommodation for three nights in a University residence.
How to apply
• Application letter has to be sent to SummerSchoolSalamanca@usal.es before 25 May 2023.
The letter should include a CV, and a brief description of their thesis for researchers who are willing to discuss their PhD thesis with senior academics. A letter of recommendation is not required, but will be appreciated.
• The results of your application will be announced via email before 30 May 2023.
Course Venue
You will be able to follow the EP-JMN Summer School at the University of Salamanca, the third oldest University in the world after Bologna and Paris. It was established in 1218 and many south American Universities were developed following the Salamanca model. Francisco de Vitoria, the father of International Law, is of the most eminent professors that have taught in Salamanca. In the last centuries, many writers, intellectuals and politicians have studied in Salamanca. For this reason, the University has played a key role in the history of Spain.
You will also experience Salamanca as a city that has a lot to offer in terms of leisure activities, from bars and restaurants to outdoor sports.
Application: Only registered participants can attend the Salamanca EP-JMN Summer School. Please, send an Application letter to SummerSchoolSalamanca@usal.es by 25 May 2023.
Organized by: University of Salamanca & European Papers Jean Monnet Network (EP-JMN)
Venue: Law School | University of Salamanca
Organizing Committee: Juan Santos Vara, Daniel González Herrera, Estela Martín Pascual, Laura Pascual Matellán, Elsa Fernando Gonzalo.
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