- 486 lecturas
M. Eugenia Bartoloni, Simple Abstention and Constructive Abstention in the Context of International Economic Sanctions: Two Too Similar Sides of the Same Coin?
Emanuele Fazio, Adapting Competition Law to the Digital Transition. Two Challenges
Raphaël Maurel, PL Holdings case: The Investor Ordered to Pay the Expropriating State's Costs, a New Consequence of Achmea
Marta Ramat, The Court of Justice and the Assessment of Double Criminality Under the European Arrest Warrant Framework Decision: KL
Anna Moskal, Digital Markets Act (DMA): A Consumer Protection Perspective
Luca Pantaleo, The Court of Justice Finally Rules on the Analogical Application of Art. 351 TFEU: End of the Story?
European Papers, Vol. 7, 2022, No 3, European Forum
ISSN 2499-8249