- 390 lecturas
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, CLEER will organise a two-day academic conference at the T.M.C. Asser Institute on 6-7 December 2018. It will consist of several thematic panel sessions featuring presentations and discussions with senior and junior scholars as well practitioners, and keynote presentations from outstanding EU academics. Academic coordination of this Conference is provided by CLEER Executive Board.
Unprecedented challenges to globalisation, trade, multilateralism and the global order have come from various internal and external sources over the past few years. From Trump to Brexit, from an assertive Russia to the continuing migrant crises, and from the public outcry towards multilateral trade to the rise of populism, hardly any policy area has been recently operating "business as usual". Indeed, the European Union and its Member States have no option but to accept these unprecedented challenges and find the best ways forward in attaining the external objectives laid down in the EU Treaties. This Conference takes stock of the actions (and reactions) of the European Union through external action instruments in a number of substantive areas such as migration, trade, neighbouring policies, and security and defence. It aims to reflect on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the institutional structures underpinning EU external action in addressing these challenges and suggest possible ways forward.
This Conference, therefore, welcomes contributions from different areas of EU external relations, potentially combining a legal with a theoretical or policy perspective. Interested researchers (in every stage of their careers) should submit an English abstract of around 500 words (approximately one page) addressing the conference theme as well as brief CVs to cleer@cleer.eu no later than 30 June 2018.
More infomation on the Conference and the Call for Papers