European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 7, 2022, No 2

The Identity of Union Law in Primacy: Piercing Through Euro Box Promotion and Others
Ferdinand Weber
Exploring the Concept of Essential State Functions on the Basis of the CJEU’s Decision on the Temporary Relocation Mechanism
Terezie Boková
The International Representation of the Eurozone and of the Eurosystem: The Role of the ECB
Susanna Cafaro
Reinforcing the EU Enlargement Policy Towards Western Balkans: Access to the Single Market as a Credible Goal
Leposava Ognjanoska
Usual and Unusual Suspects: New Actors, Roles and Mechanisms to Protect EU Values
edited by Matteo Bonelli, Monica Claes, Bruno De Witte, and Karolina Podstawa
Usual and Unusual Suspect in Protecting EU Values: An Introduction
Matteo Bonelli, Monica Claes, Bruno De Witte and Karolina Podstawa
Judicial Responses to Autocratic Legalism: The European Court of Justice in a Cleft Stick?
Jonas Bornemann
Peer Reviewing the Rule of Law? A New Mechanism to Safeguard EU Values
Thomas Conzelmann
Beyond the Rule of Law Conditionality: Exploiting the EU Spending Power to Foster the Union’s Values
Marco Fisicaro
The Rise and Fall of Rule of Law Conditionality
Isabel Staudinger
Differentiated Governance in a Europe in Crises
edited by Stefania Baroncelli, Ian Cooper, Federico Fabbrini, Helle Krunke and Renáta Uitz
Introduction to the Special Section: Differentiated Governance in a Europe in Crises
Stefania Baroncelli, Ian Cooper, Federico Fabbrini, Helle Krunke and Renáta Uitz
Differentiated Governance in European Economic and Monetary Union: From Maastricht to Next Generation EU
Stefania Baroncelli
Differentiated Governance in the Banking Union: Single Mechanisms, Joint Teams, and Opting-ins
Christy Ann Petit
Differentiation in the EU Migration Policy: The "Fractured" Values of the EU
Janine Silga
The Rule of Law in the EU: Crisis, Differentiation, Conditionality
Renáta Uitz
Regional Groups in the European Union: Mapping an Unexplored Form of Differentiation
Ian Cooper and Federico Fabbrini
The European Union in Crisis: What Should the Member States Do?
Jean-Claude Piris
European Forum
Insights and Highlights

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