On Mutual Recognition and the Possibilities of a “Single European Polity”: The Opinion of AG Collins in Case C-181/23 Commission v Malta


Abstract: The Advocate General’s Opinion in Commission in Commission v Malta is a useful opinion. Not because it is correct but because it highlights the central issue at stake in the case: the question of mutual recognition and its implications. The automatic mutual recognition of Member State nationality found in Micheletti has...

Citizenship, Coronavirus and Questions of Competence


Abstract: Restrictions on movement imposed in all Member States have necessarily resulted in a restriction of free movement rights of Union citizens, albeit in an incidental manner. These restrictions are nonetheless facilitated by the relevant provisions of primary and secondary law. This is appropriate in light of the multi-level system of...

The Absence of Integration and the Responsibilisation of Union Citizenship


Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Union citizenship as a status of integration: being and time and the passive citizen. – III. The reactive turn: the indigent and the criminal and the absence of integration – III.1. Economic activity and access to social benefits. – III.2. Crime and integration. – IV. Qualitative criteria of integration and...

The Expressive Dimension of the Union Citizenship Expulsion Regime: Joined Cases C-331/16 and C-366/16, K and HF


Abstract: The case of in K and HF (Court of Justice, judgment of 2 May 2018, joined cases C-331/16 and C-366/16) turns on a very specific set of facts, namely the restriction of Union citizen’s residence rights on the basis of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Nonetheless, in its judgment the Court of Justice continues its development...


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