- 1301 reads
M. Eugenia Bartoloni, Base giuridica sostanziale e accordi “interpilier”: quale ruolo per il Parlamento europeo? Note a margine del caso Tanzania
Emanuele Cimiotta, Ancora sulla portata e gli effetti dell’art. 267 TFUE. In margine al caso Puligienica
Marco Fasciglione, Corporate Human Rights Responsibility, States’ Duty to Protect and UN GPs’ National Action Plans: Some Thoughts After the UK 2016 NAP Update
José María Gómez-Riesco Tabernero de Paz, Early Notes on the 9 December 2015 European Commission’s Proposals on Certain Aspects Concerning Contracts for the Online and Other Distance Sales of Goods; and on Certain Aspects Concerning Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content
Elena Gualco and Luísa Lourenço, “Clash of Titans”. General Principles of EU Law: Balancing and Horizontal Direct Effect
Francesca Ippolito, La ‘tragedia’ delle frontiere europee
Hannes Lenk, An Investment Court System for the New Generation of EU Trade and Investment Agreements: A Discussion of the Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada
Nicolò Nisi, L’esecuzione transfrontaliera delle astreintes alla luce del regolamento (CE) 2201/2003 c.d. Bruxelles II-bis
Nicolas Pigeon, L’accord de libre-échange UE-Viêt Nam: une hiérarchisation des objectifs de l’action extérieure au détriment de sa cohérence?
Emanuela Pistoia, Unravelling Celaj
Sara Poli, Le misure restrittive dell’Unione europea per sviamento di fondi pubblici alla luce della sentenza Azarov
Rossella Pulvirenti, A New Settlement for the United Kingdom in the European Union: A New Challenge to EU Citizens’ Social Benefits and Freedom of Movement?
Elisabet Ruiz Cairó, Different Arguments Lead to the Same Result: The Tobacco Products Directive Is Declared Valid by the Court of Justice
Soledad R. Sánchez-Tabernero, Swimming in a Sea of Courts: The EU’s Representation Before International Tribunals
Asier Garrido Muñoz, The Proposal for a New Directive on Countering Terrorism: Two Steps Forward, How Many Steps Back?
Elisa Uría Gavilán, García Nieto: Another Restrictive Approach in the European Citizenship Case Law
Cristina Volpin, DHL Express (Italy) v. Commission: Getting It Right Beats Being First
European Papers, Vol. 1, 2016, No 2, European Forum, pp. 597-598
ISSN 2499-8249