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Table of Contents: I. Introduction. – II. Shout out to wonderful commentators & peer reviewers. – III. Overview of the contributions. – III.1. Novel institutional approaches. – III.2. Novel (de-)centralised enforcement. – III.3. Future implications of fundamental rights protection. – III.4. New “solutions” to contemporary challenges. – III.5. The EU’s external action, future EU defence policy and the challenges of the 21st Century. – IV. Conclusion.
Abstract: The present Introduction sets out the context of the following Articles to the anthology "Shaping the Future of Europe" to be published in two issues of European Papers. It briefly presents the people who made the anthology possible, in particular the speakers, commentators and other participants at the 2020 Salzburg Young European Law Scholars (YELS) conference and the peer reviewers. Subsequently, it lists the contributions of the anthology which all discuss essential topics related to the future of Europe and tackle a diverse array of issues in EU law, from institutional issues such as lobbying via novel approaches and complementary currencies to fundamental rights challenges like terrorist content online and to external action issues such as a future European army.
Keywords: EU institutions – EU law enforcement – fundamental rights protection – EU external action – defence union – hybrid threats.
European Papers, Vol. 6, 2021, No 1, pp. 229-237
ISSN 2499-8249 - doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/464
* Consultant, Division of European Law of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, sandra.hummelbrunner@gmx.at.
** Deputy Professor for National and International Public Law with a Focus on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Bundeswehr University Munich, lando.kirchmair@unibw.de.
*** Senior Lecturer at the Chair for European, International and Public Law at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), benedikt.pirker@unifr.ch.
**** Senior Scientist at the Department of Public, International and European Law and at the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies at the University of Salzburg, anne-carlijn.prickartz@sbg.ac.at.
***** University Assistant (Postdoc) at the Department of Public, International and European Law at the University of Salzburg, isabel.staudinger@sbg.ac.at.