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Regulation of Sport Activities 
and Right to Respect to Private Life
 Under the European Convention
 on Human Rights


Abstract: In Fédération Nationale des Syndicats Sportifs (FNASS) and others v. France (judgment of 18 January 2018, no. 48151/11 and 77769/13), the European Court of Human Rights assessed the compatibility between the right to private and family life and a French Order regulating unannounced anti-doping controls for sport professionals....

Freedom of Religion in the Workplace v. Freedom to Conduct a Business, the Islamic Veil Before the Court of Justice: Ms. Samira Achbita Case


Abstract: The Court of Justice ruled on 14 March 2017 an interesting judgment concerning the dismissal of Ms. Samira Achbita (case C‑157/15, Samira Achbita v. G4S Secure Solutions NV), a Muslim female, who had worked as a receptionist in the private sector. She was dismissed due to her refusal to stop wearing the Islamic headscarf according...

De la délicate interprétation du Système Dublin


Abstract: The Jafari case ruled in July 2017 (Court of Justice, judgment of 26 July 2017, case C-646/16, Jafari [GC]) gives the CJEU the opportunity to come back on the summer 2015 migration crisis. The difficult articulation between Dublin III Regulation and other relevant legal instruments in such a particular context...

European Citizens’ Initiatives, Greek Debt and Court of Justice: The Final Chapter


Abstract: For the first time the Court of Justice – in its Grand Chamber composition – has ruled upon the registration phase of a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and, consequently, on the framework of the Commission’s powers in this respect. The ECI entitled “One Million Signatures for a Europe of Solidarity” – aimed at introducing in the EU economic and monetary...

L’attesa sentenza “Taricco bis”: brevi riflessioni


Abstract: The purpose of this work is to analyze the decision of the Court of Justice in M.A.S. judgment (Court of Justice, judgment of 5 December 2017, case C-42/17, M.A.S. and M.B. [GC]), after the reference for preliminary ruling of the Italian Constitutional Court, concerning the connection between the internal principle of...

A European Court of Human Rights’ Systematization of Principles Applicable to Expulsion Cases


Abstract: The European Court of Human Rights has developed a large case-law regarding expulsion cases, of which cases linked to asylum applications constitute a significant number. This Insight analyses the case of J.K. et al. v. Sweden [GC] (judgment of 23 August 2016, no. 59166/12), which constitutes an attempt on the part of the...

Il seguito del caso Taricco: l’Avvocato generale Bot non apre al dialogo tra Corti


Abstract: The reference of the Constitutional Court for a preliminary ruling under Art. 267 TFEU in the follow-up of the Taricco case (Court of Justice, judgment of 8 September 2015, case C-105/14, Taricco et al. [GS]) should not be read as a bold challenge to the Court of Justice’s ruling, but as an opportunity for a real dialogue...

Front Polisario: A Step Forward in Judicial Review of International Agreements by the Court of Justice?


Abstract: In Front Polisario (judgment of 21 December 2016, case C-104/16 P, Council of the European Union v. Front Polisario [GC]), the Court of Justice was called to assess the validity of a decision that had concluded an agreement providing for reciprocal liberalisation measures on agriculture and fishery products between the EU...
